turf dancing

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turf dancing

a fluid style of street-dancing originating in the Bay Area of San Francisco, California
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Ballet and hip hop (used here as an umbrella term covering myriad forms from breaking to uprock, toprock, popping, locking to newer forms like jookin' and turf dancing) have co-existed onstage since the late 1970s.
Del Mar John C Mabee Handicap G1 1m1f turf Dancing Edie (Craig Dol-lase/Corey Nakatani) won a three-horse battle to the wire to score by a short head over Island Fashion.
Del Mar John C Mabee Handicap G1 1m1f turf Dancing Edie (Craig Dollase/Corey Nakatani) won a three-horse battle to the wire to score by a short head over Island Fashion.