tract housing

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tract house

One of numerous houses of similar or complementary design constructed on a tract of land.

tract housing n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tract housing - housing consisting of similar houses constructed together on a tract of landtract housing - housing consisting of similar houses constructed together on a tract of land
housing, living accommodations, lodging - structures collectively in which people are housed
tract house - one of many houses of similar design constructed together on a tract of land
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References in periodicals archive ?
The way some property owners can become a little island amongst an ocean of tract housing is incredibly striking," mentions Todd Holmes, Big Trees' Operation Manager.
Ronkonkoma and vicinity now resemble a polyglot of old bungalows and tract housing reminiscent of the Catskills without the mountains.
Allowances will be made in testing ducts for tract housing with identical floor plans, as well as multifamily structures, based on the number of units.
The preservation and gentrification, a fraught concept in declining cities as the slow pace and perpetual do-it-yourself process mask the consequences of displacement and ad hoc securitization, of the Carriage Town neighbourhood to his childhood subdivision of working-class tract housing collapsing in a sea of vacancy and abandonment.
The days of cookie-cutter tract housing, where builders offered prospective homeowners a choice of five or six primary colors and matching trim, are long gone.
Presently, the parks are replacing perfectly adequate, architecturally attractive stone restrooms on Goat Island with unsightly new restrooms which will look like a cheap home in a tract housing subdivision.
1975), we're presented with the shocking extremes that era engendered: on the one hand, the sprawling tract housing of Ixtapaluca, built without concern for its residents' basic needs (sufficient water, adequate sewage, schools, hospitals); on the other, the incredibly rich, such as philanthropist Carlos Slim Hail, depicted by Corona flanked by his old masters.
Up in the mountains and on the highways, in the tract housing, the malls, even poolside at a casino resort--these are all real places in the story.
He was in favor of as many houses as there are people and was distrustful of an industrial cookie-cutter approach and of widespread mass-produced tract housing. Anonymous and impersonal production would result in architecture that created a chasm between itself and the natural environment.
Individual topics include the harem courtyards of the Topkapi Palace; an overview of courtyard house architecture in Kabul, including later western influences; the courtyard in Casablanca's tract housing; and adaptation strategies for courtyard buildings in Cordoba, Spain and Colima, Mexico.
As a solution, he proposes smart growth and sustainable green infill development instead of sprawling suburban development of energy-in-efficient tract housing. Although somewhat overbearing in its liberal orientation and assignment of blame to past Republican administrations, the book makes a compelling case for sustainable development and preservation of traditional neighborhoods.