traction load

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Related to traction load: saltation load, dissolved load

traction load

(Geological Science) geology the solid material that is carried along the bed of a river
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Let us consider in more detail the special case where the least loaded are two phases, for example, when powered traction load only the left shoulder <<lagging>> phase (Fig.
But no matter what type of locomotive, the traction load is single phase or two-phase load, reflected in the three-phase AC side is asymmetric load, resulting in a large number of negative-sequence current.
Traction load and main technical-economical parameters of wheeled tractor working on ploughed field.
The thread loads are the nonlinear distribution of traction load along the joint, the wear produced by the screwing and the bending and compression effects.
If water moves them, they are called traction load. A piece of traction load might roll into a stream, then it might be carried downstream.
Generalized Maxwell Fluid subject to a surface traction load.