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v. swore (swôr), sworn (swôrn), swear·ing, swears
1. To make a solemn declaration, invoking a deity or a sacred person or thing, in confirmation of and witness to the honesty or truth of such a declaration.
2. To make a solemn promise; vow.
3. To use obscene or blasphemous language; curse.
4. Law To commit oneself by oath to giving evidence or testimony that is truthful.
a. To declare or affirm solemnly by invoking a deity or a sacred person or thing: swore on the Bible that he would tell the truth.
b. To say or affirm earnestly and with great conviction: I swear that I will pay you back.
2. To promise or pledge with a solemn oath; vow: He swore to do his duty. See Synonyms at promise.
3. To utter or bind oneself to (an oath).
4. Law To administer a legal oath to: All the witnesses have been sworn.
A swearword.
Phrasal Verbs:
swear at
To use vulgar language against; curse:
swear by
1. To have great reliance on or confidence in: He swears by his personal physician.
2. To have reliable knowledge of; be sure of: I think she left early, but I couldn't swear by it.
3. To take an oath by: He swore by all the angels and saints of heaven.
swear in
To administer a legal or official oath to: swear in a mayor.
swear off Informal
To pledge to renounce or give up: She has sworn off cigarettes.
swear out Law
1. To attest to (an affidavit or complaint) by oath.
2. To swear to evidence under oath in order to obtain (a warrant for arrest).

[Middle English sweren, from Old English swerian; see swer- in Indo-European roots.]

swear′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, swears, swearing, swore or sworn
1. to declare or affirm (a statement) as true, esp by invoking a deity, etc, as witness
2. (foll by by)
a. to invoke (a deity, etc) by name as a witness or guarantee to an oath
b. to trust implicitly; have complete confidence (in)
3. (often foll by: at) to curse, blaspheme, or use swearwords
4. (when tr, may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to promise solemnly on oath; vow
5. (tr) to assert or affirm with great emphasis or earnestness
6. (Law) (intr) to give evidence or make any statement or solemn declaration on oath
7. (Law) to take an oath in order to add force or solemnity to (a statement or declaration)
8. swear blind informal to assert emphatically
a period of swearing
[Old English swerian; related to Old Norse sverja, Gothic swaran, Old Frisian swera, German schwören]
ˈswearer n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. swore, sworn, swear•ing. v.i.
1. to make a solemn declaration or affirmation by some sacred being or object, as a deity or the Bible.
2. to bind oneself by oath; vow.
3. to give evidence or make a statement on oath.
4. to use profane oaths or language.
5. to declare, affirm, etc., by swearing by a deity or a sacred object.
6. to testify or state on oath.
7. to affirm, assert, or say with solemn earnestness.
8. to promise on oath; vow.
9. to take (an oath).
10. to bind by an oath: swore them to secrecy.
11. swear by,
a. to name (a sacred being or object) as one's witness or guarantee in swearing.
b. to have great confidence in.
12. swear in, to admit to office or service by administering an oath.
13. swear off, to promise to give up (something, esp. intoxicating beverages).
14. swear out, to secure (a warrant for arrest) by making an accusation under oath.
[before 900; Middle English sweren, Old English swerian, c. Old Frisian swaria, Old Saxon, Old High German swerian, Old Norse sverja; akin to Gothic swaran to swear; compare answer]
swear′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: sworn
Gerund: swearing

I swear
you swear
he/she/it swears
we swear
you swear
they swear
I swore
you swore
he/she/it swore
we swore
you swore
they swore
Present Continuous
I am swearing
you are swearing
he/she/it is swearing
we are swearing
you are swearing
they are swearing
Present Perfect
I have sworn
you have sworn
he/she/it has sworn
we have sworn
you have sworn
they have sworn
Past Continuous
I was swearing
you were swearing
he/she/it was swearing
we were swearing
you were swearing
they were swearing
Past Perfect
I had sworn
you had sworn
he/she/it had sworn
we had sworn
you had sworn
they had sworn
I will swear
you will swear
he/she/it will swear
we will swear
you will swear
they will swear
Future Perfect
I will have sworn
you will have sworn
he/she/it will have sworn
we will have sworn
you will have sworn
they will have sworn
Future Continuous
I will be swearing
you will be swearing
he/she/it will be swearing
we will be swearing
you will be swearing
they will be swearing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been swearing
you have been swearing
he/she/it has been swearing
we have been swearing
you have been swearing
they have been swearing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been swearing
you will have been swearing
he/she/it will have been swearing
we will have been swearing
you will have been swearing
they will have been swearing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been swearing
you had been swearing
he/she/it had been swearing
we had been swearing
you had been swearing
they had been swearing
I would swear
you would swear
he/she/it would swear
we would swear
you would swear
they would swear
Past Conditional
I would have sworn
you would have sworn
he/she/it would have sworn
we would have sworn
you would have sworn
they would have sworn
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.swear - utter obscenities or profanitiesswear - utter obscenities or profanities; "The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street"
blaspheme - speak of in an irreverent or impious manner; "blaspheme God"
give tongue to, utter, express, verbalise, verbalize - articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse"
2.swear - to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as trueswear - to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent"
hold - assert or affirm; "Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good"
claim, take - lay claim to; as of an idea; "She took credit for the whole idea"
attest - authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity; "I attest this signature"
declare - state firmly; "He declared that he was innocent"
declare - state emphatically and authoritatively; "He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with"
protest - affirm or avow formally or solemnly; "The suspect protested his innocence"
assure, tell - inform positively and with certainty and confidence; "I tell you that man is a crook!"
3.swear - promise solemnly; take an oath
vow - make a vow; promise; "He vowed never to drink alcohol again"
swear off - promise to abstain from; "I have sworn off cigarettes altogether"
4.swear - make a deposition; declare under oath
declare - state emphatically and authoritatively; "He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with"
5.swear - have confidence or faith inswear - have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by my grandmother's recipes"
believe - accept as true; take to be true; "I believed his report"; "We didn't believe his stories from the War"; "She believes in spirits"
credit - have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of
lean - rely on for support; "We can lean on this man"
depend, bet, reckon, calculate, count, look - have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. curse, cuss (informal), blaspheme, turn the air blue (informal), be foul-mouthed, take the Lord's name in vain, utter profanities, imprecate It is wrong to swear and shout.
2. vow, promise, take an oath, warrant, testify, depose, attest, avow, give your word, state under oath, pledge yourself Alan swore that he would do everything in his power to help us.
3. declare, assert, affirm, swear blind, asseverate I swear I've told you all I know.
swear by something believe in, trust, depend on, rely on, have confidence in, have faith in, put your faith in, set store by, rate Many people swear by vitamin C's ability to ward off colds.
swear someone in install, inaugurate, establish, adopt, invest, ordain, consecrate, induct, enthrone She has been formally sworn in as Ireland's first woman president.
"Swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon" [William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet]
"As he knew not what to say, he swore" [Lord Byron The Island]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To guarantee by a solemn promise:
Idiom: give one's word of honor.
2. To use profane or obscene language:
Informal: cuss.
3. To give evidence or testimony under oath:
Law: depone, depose.
Idioms: bear witness, take the stand.
phrasal verb
swear off
Informal. To cease trying to accomplish or continue:
Slang: lay off.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَحْلِف، يُقْسِميَشْتُميَشْتِمُ
duotas priesaikos būduprisaikdintiprisiektišventai tikėti
küfretmeksövüp saymakyemin etmek
chửi thề


[swɛəʳ] (swore (pt) (sworn (pp)))
A. VTjurar
I swear it!¡lo juro!
I swear (that) I did not steal itjuro que no lo robé
to swear to do sthjurar hacer algo
I could have sworn that it was Janetjuraría que fue Janet
to swear sb to secrecyhacer que algn jure guardar el secreto
to swear allegiance tojurar lealtad a
they swore an oath of allegiance to himle prestaron juramento de fidelidad
they swore an oath not to fight againjuraron no volver a pelear
1. (solemnly) → jurar
to swear on the Biblejurar sobre la Biblia
I could swear to itjuraría que fue así
I can't swear to itno lo juraría
2. (= use swearwords) → decir palabrotas, soltar tacos; (blasphemously) → blasfemar
don't swear in front of the childrenno digas palabrotas estando los niños delante
to swear at sbinsultar a algn, mentar la madre a algn (Mex)
to swear like a trooperjurar como un carretero
swear by VI + PREPtener plena confianza en, creer ciegamente en
swear in VT + ADV [+ witness, president] → tomar juramento a, juramentar a
to be sworn inprestar juramento
swear off VI + PREP to swear off alcohol(jurar) renunciar al alcohol
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈswɛər] [swore] (pt) [sworn] (pp)
(= use bad language) → jurer
to swear at sb → jurer après qn
(= say definitely) to swear to sth → jurer de qch
I think he is in Rome but I wouldn't swear to it → Je crois qu'il est à Rome mais je n'en jurerais pas.
(= promise) [+ allegiance, revenge] → jurer
to swear an oath → prêter serment
to swear (that) ... → jurer que ...
(= make promise) to swear sb to secrecy → faire promettre le secret à qn
to swear sb to silence → faire promettre à qn de garder le silence
swear in
vt sep (LAW)assermenterswear word swearword [ˈswɛərwɜːrd] ngros mot m, juron m
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vb: pret <swore>, ptp <sworn>
allegiance, love, revengeschwören; oathleisten, schwören; I swear it!ich kann das beschwören!
(Jur) witness, juryvereidigen; to swear somebody to secrecyjdn schwören lassen, dass er nichts verrät; I’ve been sworn to secrecyich habe schwören müssen, dass ich nichts sage
(= use solemn oath)schwören; to swear on the Bibleauf die Bibel schwören; to swear by all one holds dearschwören bei allem, was einem lieb ist; to swear to somethingetw beschwören; to swear blind or (US) up and down that … (inf)Stein und Bein schwören, dass … (inf)
(= use swearwords)fluchen (→ about über +acc); to swear at somebody/somethingjdn/etw beschimpfen
n to have a (good) swear(tüchtig) fluchen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[swɛəʳ] (swore (pt) (sworn (pp)))
1. vt (gen) → giurare
to swear an oath → prestare giuramento
I swear it! → lo giuro!
I swear (that) I did not steal it → giuro che non l'ho rubato, giuro di non averlo rubato
to swear to do sth → promettere di fare qc
I could have sworn that was Louise → avrei giurato che fosse Louise
to swear sb to secrecy → far giurare a qn di mantenere il segreto
2. vi
a. (solemnly, witness) → giurare
to swear on the Bible → giurare sulla Bibbia
to swear to the truth of sth → giurare che qc è vero
I can't swear to it → non posso giurarlo
b. (use swearwords) to swear (at sb)bestemmiare or imprecare (contro qn), dire parolacce (a qn)
to swear like a trooper → bestemmiare come uno scaricatore di porto
swear by vi + prep (fam) my mother swears by hot baths for backachemia madre dice che non c'è rimedio migliore di un bagno caldo contro il mal di schiena
swear in vt + adv (jury, witness, president) → prestare giuramento
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(sweə) past tense swore (swoː) : past participle sworn (swoːn) verb
1. to state, declare, or promise solemnly with an oath, or very definitely and positively. The witness must swear to tell the truth; He swore an oath of loyalty; Swear never to reveal the secret; I could have sworn (= I'm sure) she was here a minute ago.
2. to use the name of God and other sacred words, or obscene words, for emphasis or abuse; to curse. Don't swear in front of the children!
sworn (swoːn) adjective
1. (of friends, enemies etc) (determined, as if) having taken an oath always to remain so. They are sworn enemies.
2. (of evidence, statements etc) given by a person who has sworn to tell the truth. The prisoner made a sworn statement.
ˈswear-word noun
a word used in cursing. `Damn' is a mild swear-word.
swear by
1. to appeal to (eg God) as a witness of one's words. I swear by Heaven that I'm innocent.
2. to put complete trust in (a remedy etc). She swears by aspirin for all the children's illnesses.
swear in
to introduce (a person) into a post or office formally, by making him swear an oath. The new Governor is being sworn in next week.
swear to
to make a solemn statement, with an oath, in support of. I'll swear to the truth of what he said; I think he was here this morning, but I wouldn't like to swear to it.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَشْتِمُ nadávat sværge fluchen ορκίζομαι jurar kiroilla jurer psovati giurare ののしる 맹세하다 vloeken banne przysiąc dizer palavrões, xingar клясться svära สบถ küfretmek chửi thề 宣誓
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
do not go away!" exclaimed D'Artagnan, impelled by one of those irresistible impulses which showed the nobility of his nature, the native brightness of his character; "I swear that I would give the last drop of my blood and the last fragment of my limbs to preserve the friendship of such a friend as you, Athos -- of such a man as you, Aramis." And he threw himself into the arms of Athos.
"And as for me," said Porthos, "I swear nothing, but I'm choked.
"I am about to leave you forever; give me, therefore, one last proof of your affection and fidelity, for, according to our holy religion, a married man seeking admittance at the gate of Heaven is required to swear that he has never defiled himself with an unworthy woman.
"I do not refuse, brother Andres," said the farmer, "be good enough to come along with me, and I swear by all the orders of knighthood there are in the world to pay you as I have agreed, real by real, and perfumed."
"For the perfumery I excuse you," said Don Quixote; "give it to him in reals, and I shall be satisfied; and see that you do as you have sworn; if not, by the same oath I swear to come back and hunt you out and punish you; and I shall find you though you should lie closer than a lizard.
I'd just as soon tell you who I am, though, if you'll swear to keep mum, for I ain't no Phillips, either."
Swear you'll keep mum--swear you'll never, never tell on me.
I don't so much mind hearing an old cat swear, but I can't bear to see a mere kitten give way to it.
Swear me, O Olympian, swear me a great oath, that he who shall this day fall between the feet of a woman, shall be lord over all that dwell about him who are of your blood and lineage.'
Moreover let him swear an oath before the Argives that he has never gone up into the couch of Briseis, nor been with her after the manner of men and women; and do you, too, show yourself of a gracious mind; let Agamemnon entertain you in his tents with a feast of reconciliation, that so you may have had your dues in full.
The manner of their swearing is this: they set a sheep in the midst of them, and rub it over with butter, the heads of families who are the chief in the nation lay their hands upon the head of the sheep, and swear to observe their promise.
(which they never violate) they explain thus: the sheep is the mother of them who swear; the butter betokens the love between the mother and the children, and an oath taken on a mother's head is sacred.