References in classic literature ?
Dolokhov was holding the Englishman's hand and clearly and distinctly repeating the terms of the bet, addressing himself particularly to Anatole and Pierre.
The news of the bet spread through the Reform Club, and afforded an exciting topic of conversation to its members.
When he said "I'll bet you so and so," nobody ever thought of taking him up; but still I could not help thinking it my duty to put him down.
Lydgate was playing well, and felt confident; the bets were dropping round him, and with a swift glancing thought of the probable gain which might double the sum he was saving from his horse, he began to bet on his own play, and won again and again.
The pipes began to be puffed in a silence which had an air of severity; the more important customers, who drank spirits and sat nearest the fire, staring at each other as if a bet were depending on the first man who winked; while the beer-drinkers, chiefly men in fustian jackets and smock-frocks, kept their eyelids down and rubbed their hands across their mouths, as if their draughts of beer were a funereal duty attended with embarrassing sadness.
"The people are many," said Chaka, "yet, Mopo, I bet thee fifty head of cattle that they will not fill the donga."
"There's one thing I'll bet you," he said, "and it is that Mr.
"But if you're the favorite and everybody thinks you'll win, how does anybody bet against you?"
"You bet your sweet life he don't," Bert exclaimed.
I bet you, right now, I can order two beers, loud so he can hear and notice, and then whisper to the waiter to bring one, an', when the one comes, Killeny Boy'll raise a roar with the waiter."
One operation alone remained to be accomplished to bring all to a happy termination; an operation delicate and perilous, requiring infinite precautions, and against the success of which Captain Nicholl had laid his third bet. It was, in fact, nothing less than the loading of the Columbiad, and the introduction into it of 400,000 pounds of gun-cotton.
"I bet there's been pirates on this island before, boys.

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