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1. Higher than another in rank, station, or authority: a superior officer.
2. Of a higher nature or kind.
3. Of great value or excellence; extraordinary.
4. Greater in number or amount than another: an army defeated by superior numbers of enemy troops.
5. Presuming to be or suggesting that one is morally or socially better than others; disdainful or supercilious.
6. Above being affected or influenced; indifferent or immune: "Trust magnates were superior to law" (Gustavus Myers).
7. Located higher than another; upper.
8. Botany Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.
9. Printing Set above the main line of type.
10. Logic Of wider or more comprehensive application; generic. Used of a term or proposition.
1. One that surpasses another in rank or quality.
2. Ecclesiastical The head of a religious community, such as a monastery, abbey, or convent.
3. Printing A superior character, as the number 2 in x2.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin, comparative of superus, upper, from super, over; see uper in Indo-European roots.]

su·pe′ri·or′i·ty (-ôr′ĭ-tē, -ŏr′-) n.
su·pe′ri·or·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. greater in quality, quantity, etc
2. of high or extraordinary worth, merit, etc
3. higher in rank or status: a superior tribunal.
4. displaying a conscious sense of being above or better than others; supercilious
5. (foll by: to) not susceptible (to) or influenced (by)
6. placed higher up; situated further from the base
7. (Astronomy) astronomy
a. (of a planet) having an orbit further from the sun than the orbit of the earth
b. (of a conjunction) occurring when the sun lies between the earth and an inferior planet
8. (Botany) (of a plant ovary) situated above the calyx and other floral parts
9. (Anatomy) anatomy (of one part in relation to another) situated above or higher
10. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing (of a character) written or printed above the line; superscript
11. a person or thing of greater rank or quality
12. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing a character set in a superior position
13. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (often capital) the head of a community in a religious order
[C14: from Latin, from superus placed above, from super above]
suˈperioress fem n
superiority, superiorship n
suˈperiorly adv
Usage: Superior should not be used with than: he is a better (not a superior) poet than his brother; his poetry is superior to (not superior than) his brother's


(suːˈpɪərɪə; sjuː-)
(Placename) Lake Superior a lake in the N central US and S Canada: one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world and westernmost of the Great Lakes. Area: 82 362 sq km (31 800 sq miles)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(səˈpɪər i ər, sʊ-)

1. higher in station, rank, degree, etc.
2. above the average in excellence, merit, intelligence, etc.
3. of higher grade or quality.
4. greater in quantity or amount.
5. showing a consciousness or feeling of being better than or above others.
6. not yielding or susceptible (usu. fol. by to): to be superior to temptation.
7. higher in place or position: superior ground.
8. Bot.
a. situated above some other organ.
b. (of a calyx) seeming to originate from the top of the ovary.
c. (of an ovary) free from the calyx.
9. Anat. (of an organ or part)
a. higher in place or position; situated above another.
b. being toward the head.
Compare inferior (def. 5).
10. Astron.
a. (of a planet) having an orbit outside that of the earth, as Mars and Jupiter.
b. (of a conjunction of a superior planet) taking place between the sun and the planet.
11. written or printed high on a line of text, as the “2” in a2b; superscript. Compare inferior (def. 7).
12. one superior to another.
14. the head of a monastery, convent, or the like.
[1350–1400; < Latin, comp. of superus upper (derivative of super; see super-)]
su•pe′ri•or•ly, adv.


(səˈpɪər i ər, sʊ-)

Lake, a lake in the N central U.S. and S Canada: the northernmost of the Great Lakes; the largest body of fresh water in the world. 31,820 sq. mi. (82,415 sq. km).
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


If one person or thing is superior to another, they are better than the other person or thing.

I secretly felt superior to him.
The film is vastly superior to the book.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.superior - one of greater rank or station or qualitysuperior - one of greater rank or station or quality
leader - a person who rules or guides or inspires others
better - a superior person having claim to precedence; "the common man has been kept in his place by his betters"
god - a man of such superior qualities that he seems like a deity to other people; "he was a god among men"
supervisor - one who supervises or has charge and direction of
inferior - one of lesser rank or station or quality
2.superior - the head of a religious community
abbess, mother superior, prioress - the superior of a group of nuns
abbot, archimandrite - the superior of an abbey of monks
prior - the head of a religious order; in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot
religious - a member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience
3.superior - a combatant who is able to defeat rivalssuperior - a combatant who is able to defeat rivals
battler, belligerent, combatant, fighter, scrapper - someone who fights (or is fighting)
conqueror, vanquisher - someone who is victorious by force of arms
4.superior - the largest freshwater lake in the worldSuperior - the largest freshwater lake in the world; the deepest of the Great Lakes
Great Lakes - a group of five large, interconnected lakes in central North America
5.Superior - a town in northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior across from Duluth
Badger State, WI, Wisconsin - a midwestern state in north central United States
6.superior - a character or symbol set or printed or written above and immediately to one side of another character
grapheme, graphic symbol, character - a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet has 24 characters"
Adj.1.superior - of high or superior quality or performance; "superior wisdom derived from experience"; "superior math students"
best - (superlative of `good') having the most positive qualities; "the best film of the year"; "the best solution"; "the best time for planting"; "wore his best suit"
inferior - of low or inferior quality
2.superior - of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler"
dominant - exercising influence or control; "television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion"; "the dominant partner in the marriage"
high - greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself"
inferior - of or characteristic of low rank or importance
3.superior - (sometimes followed by `to') not subject to or influenced by; "overcome by a superior opponent"; "trust magnates who felt themselves superior to law"
dominant - exercising influence or control; "television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion"; "the dominant partner in the marriage"
4.superior - written or printed above and to one side of another character
printing process, printing - reproduction by applying ink to paper as for publication
5.superior - having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earth's orbit; "Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets"
astronomy, uranology - the branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole
inferior - having an orbit between the sun and the Earth's orbit; "Mercury and Venus are inferior planets"
6.superior - having a higher rank; "superior officer"
senior - older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service; "senior officer"
7.superior - (often followed by `to') above being affected or influenced by; "he is superior to fear"; "an ignited firework proceeds superior to circumstances until its blazing vitality fades"
unaffected - undergoing no change when acted upon; "entirely unaffected by each other's writings"; "fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. better, higher, greater, grander, preferred, prevailing, paramount, surpassing, more advanced, predominant, unrivalled, more extensive, more skilful, more expert, a cut above (informal), streets ahead (informal), running rings around (informal) a woman greatly superior to her husband in education
better worse, inferior, not as good, less, poorer, lower, lesser
2. first-class, excellent, first-rate, good, fine, choice, exclusive, distinguished, exceptional, world-class, good quality, admirable, high-class, high calibre, de luxe, of the first order He's got a superior car, and it's easy to win races that way.
first-class average, ordinary, inferior, mediocre, second-class, second-rate, unremarkable, substandard, no great shakes (informal), half-pie (N.Z. informal)
3. higher-ranking, senior, higher-level, upper-level negotiations between mutineers and their superior officers
4. supercilious, patronizing, condescending, haughty, disdainful, lordly, lofty, airy, pretentious, stuck-up (informal), snobbish, on your high horse (informal) Finch gave a superior smile.
1. boss, senior, director, manager, chief (informal), principal, supervisor, baas (S. African) my immediate superior
boss junior, subordinate, inferior, assistant, cohort (chiefly U.S.), minion, underling, lackey, dogsbody
Usage: Superior should not be used with than: he is a better (not a superior) poet than his brother; his poetry is superior to (not than) his brother's.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Being at a rank above another:
2. Of greater excellence than another:
3. Of fine quality:
4. Exceptionally good of its kind:
Slang: boss.
Chiefly British: tophole.
5. Overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance:
6. Being at a height or level above another:
One who stands above another in rank:
Informal: higher-up.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إسْتِعلائي، مُتَشامِخأعْلى مَرْتَبَةًرَئيسرَئِيسعالي، فَوْق المُسْتَوى
framúrskarandi, ágætis-hærra setturyfirlætisleguryfirmaîur
aukštesnio rango žmogusaukštesnisįsivaizdinantislabai gerasviršesnis
augstāka ranga virsnieksaugstāksaugstprātīgsaugstsizcils
üstüstünüstün nitelikliâmirkibirli
thượng cấptốt hơn


1. (= better) → superior
to be superior to sth/sbser superior a algo/algn
to be superior to sth/sb in sthsuperar or ser superior a algo/algn en algo
2. (= good) [product] → de primera calidad
it's a very superior modeles un modelo de primerísima calidades un modelo muy superior
thanks to its superior designgracias a la supremacía del diseño
a superior beingun ser superior
3. (= senior) (in hierarchy, rank) → superior
to be superior to sbser superior a algn
his superior officer (Mil) → su superior
4. (numerically) the enemy's superior numbersla superioridad numérica del enemigo
the enemy were superior to them in numberel enemigo los superaba or era superior a ellos en número
5. (= smug) [person] → altanero, desdeñoso; [tone, expression, smile] → de superioridad, de suficiencia
"you don't understand," Clarissa said in a superior way-tú no lo entiendes -dijo Clarissa con aire de superioridad or de suficiencia
6. (Tech) (= upper) → superior
B. N
1. (in rank, organization) → superior m
people he perceives as his social superiorspersonas que él considera de un nivel social superior
2. (in ability) to be sb's superior in sthsuperar a algn en algo
3. (Rel) → superior m
Mother Superiormadre f superiora
C. CPD superior court Ntribunal m superior
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= better) → supérieur(e)
superior to (= better than) → supérieur(e) à
to be vastly superior to sth → être largement supérieur(e) à qch
(= greater) [numbers] → supérieur(e)
(= of high quality) [goods, product] → de qualité supérieure
(= of higher rank) → supérieur(e)
superior to sb
These matters are better left to someone superior to you → Il vaut mieux laisser à un supérieur le soin de s'occuper de ces choses-là.
(= smug) → supérieur(e)
a superior smile → un sourire supérieur
nsupérieur(e) m/f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= better) quality, equipmentbesser (to als); intellect, ability, skill, techniqueüberlegen (to sb/sth jdm/einer Sache); he thinks he’s so superiorer hält sich für so überlegen or für so viel besser
(= excellent) work(manship), techniquegroßartig, hervorragend; craftsmanausgezeichnet; intellectüberragend; goods of superior quality, superior quality goodsWaren plbester Qualität
(= higher in rank etc)höher; superior officerVorgesetzte(r) mf; superior courthöheres Gericht; to be superior to somebody/somethingjdm/einer Sache übergeordnet sein, höherstehen als jd/etw
(= greater) forcesstärker (to als); strengthgrößer (to als); they were superior to us in number(s)sie waren uns zahlenmäßig überlegen
(= snobbish) person, mannerüberheblich; tone, smileüberlegen; (= smart) restaurant, clientelefein, vornehm
(Typ) figure, letterhochgestellt; superior numberHochzahl f
(in rank) → Vorgesetzte(r) mf
(in ability) → Überlegene(r) mf; to be somebody’s superiorjdm überlegen sein; he has no superiors when it comes to thatwas das anbelangt, ist ihm keiner überlegen
(Eccl) Father SuperiorVater Superior m; Mother SuperiorMutter Superiorin or Oberin f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj (gen) superior tosuperiore a (Comm) (goods, quality) → di prim'ordine, superiore; (smug, person) → che fa il/la superiore; (smile, air) → di superiorità; (remark) → altezzoso/a
superior number (Typ) → esponente m
he felt rather superior → si sentì importante
2. n (in rank) → superiore m/f
Mother Superior (Rel) → (madre f) superiora
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(suˈpiəriə) adjective
1. (often with to) higher in rank, better, or greater, than. Is a captain superior to a commander in the navy?; With his superior strength he managed to overwhelm his opponent.
2. high, or above the average, in quality. superior workmanship.
3. (of a person or his attitude) contemptuous or disdainful. a superior smile.
a person who is better than, or higher in rank than, another or others. The servant was dismissed for being rude to her superiors.
suˌperiˈority (-ˈo-) noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


رَئِيس, فَائِق nadřazený, nadřízený overlegen, overordnet besser, Vorgesetzter ανώτερος, προϊστάμενος superior esimies, parempi supérieur nadređeni, superioran superiore 上役, 優れた 상사, 우수한 meerdere, superieur overlegen, overordnet przełożony, wyższy superior высший, старший chef, överlägsen เหนือกว่า, ผู้บังคับบัญชา üst, üstün thượng cấp, tốt hơn 上司, 优越的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. superior, más alto; [position] hacia arriba; al exterior.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj (anat) superior
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Upon this consideration our superiors divided the eight Jesuits chosen for this mission into two companies.
I am respected by my superiors, and even his Excellency has had no fault to find with me; and though I have never been shown any special marks of favour, I know that every one finds me at least satisfactory.
But surely, Thrasymachus, the arts are the superiors and rulers of their own subjects?
And superior it is, because it has all the epic elements--it may even use the epic metre--with the music and spectacular effects as important accessories; and these produce the most vivid of pleasures.
To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.
The superior met her; Milady showed her the cardinal's order.
States have not, like individuals, an influence over each other, arising from superior advantages of fortune.
Humans just have to laugh at monkeys because they're so similar and because the human has the advantage and feels himself superior. Suppose we're walking along the street, you and me, and you slip and fall down.
He regretted the gay life of Brussels as he never had regretted the sins which had snatched him from that gayest of capitals, and as the days passed he came to center his resentment upon the representative in Congo land of the authority which had exiled him--his captain and immediate superior.
Mainwaring is indeed, beyond all compare, superior to Reginald--superior in everything but the power of being with me!
For saith Pliny, very wittily, In commending another, you do yourself right; for he that you commend, is either superior to you in that you commend, or inferior.
Plainly, she regarded it as quite a superior joke that I had waylaid a Professor and employed him in so odd a service.