superior rectus muscle

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Noun1.superior rectus muscle - the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball upward and medially
eye muscle, ocular muscle - one of the small muscles of the eye that serve to rotate the eyeball
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References in periodicals archive ?
Notice compression of the superior rectus muscle (black arrow).
Besides, it is said that the subnuclei of the superior rectus muscle control the contralateral side [11].
Spierer, "Evaluation of superior rectus muscle attachment following hang-back recession in rabbit eyes," European Journal of Ophthalmology, vol.
Due to the proximity of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle to the superior rectus muscle, Naik et al.
Fukuhara et al .[sup][4] and Surov et al .[sup][5] described one and three intramuscular lymphomas, respectively; they were located in the rectus (one in the superior rectus muscle, two in the lateral rectus muscle, and one in the medial rectus muscle).

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