

extremely long
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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You might think the star is officially hanging up his superlong tie except this isn't the first or even fifth time Baldwin, who first spoofed candidate Trump a month ahead of the 2016 election, has signaled as much.
As new materials and advanced engineering technologies increasingly emerge, the development of the large span spatial structure has made great strides and the concept of the superlong span dome has been put forward.
Yes, 200 yards is too far for practical defense with a handgun, but it's just like in rifle shooting: Training for superlong distances gives you confidence to make the shorter ones.--Scott
Ueda, "Factors influencing the mechanism of superlong fatigue failure in steels," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, vol.
The bridge is unique because of its superlong spans and its longitudinal inverted Y-shaped steel tower.
In the 5 popular IPTV applications, more than 30% of PPTV programs of PPTV application have long and superlong names.
Alex Curran - 2005 Sales in hair extensions rocketed as girls craved this kind of superlong WAG-worthy hair.
The colourful downloadable flyers, posters and tent cards will encourage chip-loving kids-who eat with their eyes--to sample the healthier option of Aviko's Sweet Potato Fries by mixing the vivid orange-fleshed tubers with the more familiar colour of Aviko's premium Skin-On Superlong fries.
The superlong tenor erased early losses on bargain hunting, though activity was light.
"The BOJ's easing is squashing superlong Japanese government bond yields, which raises speculation that Japanese life insurers will shift some of their funds to unhedged foreign bond buying to some extent," Ikeda said.
Colour can be loaded onto the lashes for superlong flutters although it is a bit clumpy so leaves a few lumps.