squat thrust

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squat thrust

(Individual Sports, other than specified) an exercise in which the hands are kept on the floor with the arms held straight while the legs are straightened out behind and quickly drawn in towards the body again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

squat thrust

nStützstrecke f
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Squat thrust to stand: Hands on the floor, jump both legs out into a press-up position.
Unlike most, she's also swinging kettle bells, jumping on top of 20-inch-high boxes, and doing squats, presses, pull-ups and the dreaded burpees, a taxing movement that combines a squat thrust with a jump - all part of her usual CrossFit regimen.
Examples of these exercises include the power clean and push press, which, compared to the simpler bench press and squat thrust, involve a combination of joint movements.
Repeat until MINUTE 2 Squat thrust to stand: Hands on the floor, jump both legs out into a press-up position.
Needless to say, positions such as the The Frog, Tail of the Ostrich and Lotus-like require the sort of athleticism demonstrated by sporting idols such as Brian Jacks and Konrad Bartelski during the squat thrust challenge in BBC's Superstars.
Examples of these exercises include the power clean (www.biofitness.com/demo34.html) and push press (www.biofitness.com/demo39.html), which, compared to the simpler bench press and squat thrust, involve a combination of joint movements.
MINUTE TWO: Squat thrust to stand Hands on the floor, jump both legs out into a press up position.
MINUTE SIX: Squat thrust with sprint Back to your squat thrusts, but this time add a three-second sprint on the spot between each rep.
The knee-shattering record attempt will take place on Saturday August 17 and follows other feats earlier this year such as a half marathon while carrying a 100lb backpack and completing 11 burpees - a combination of a squat thrust and a star jump - with a 100lb bag on his back and having to clear three feet every time he kicked back out.
As you return to the start position, bring your legs up under your chest as if performing the initial movement of a squat thrust. From this position drive up using your legs into an explosive star jump.