Squaw vine

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1.(Bot.) The partridge berry (Mitchella repens).
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In addition to the bag of crushed tea leaves, she also sent me home with a prenatal formula of squaw vine, blessed thistle and pennyroyal herb, black cohosh, and false unicorn root.
Cutler lists fifteen plant names that were in common use by 1900, including squawberry, squaw vine, squawroot, squaw bush, squaw carpet, squaw currant, squaw corn, and squaw flower (O Brave New Words!
There are a number, such as vitex agnus castus, that work to balance progesterone and oestrogen release, and squaw vine and ladies mantle that reduce heavy flow and ease pain.