squat toilet

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squat toilet

nStehtoilette f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
'Northern China lacks water, so you need toilets that don't flush,' the teacher told her class as she demonstrated the use of a dry squat toilet. It's now common that men's urinals in public places do not need flush water, which saves us millions and millions of gallon of water each year.
Of the 56 patients, 29 (51.8%) were using a bidet toilet and 27 (48.2%) were using a squat toilet. The patients were using the bidet toilet more frequently compared to the control subjects (p=0.033).
An inebriated woman got her foot stuck inside a squat toilet in SouthChinaand was rescued only after firefighters arrived.
The video host at first had speculated that the cause for the discrepancy between people being able to squat in this way in the West and Asia had to do with body structure, but he said that after researching it on the internet, the main theory is that it is simply a matter of practice and that because people in many Asian countries learn to use a squat toilet and are in the habit of squatting from an early age, their bodies are adapted to it.
"It's very basic accommodation, with a typical Malaysian squat toilet, and the weather takes a lot of getting used to, but I love it."
We have a religious party in power that makes inmates take baths and perform ablutions in a squat toilet."
The toilet step basically mimics the squat toilet without the discomfort.
The patient had been bitten on the back of the hip while using a squat toilet so the bite was near the base of the spine.
Therefore, the sitting camp may not be able to mock a squat toilet as the hole in the ground for very long.
The tot has been returned to his family after authorities in China decided he fell down a squat toilet in Pujiang county by accident.
The baby left in good health condition." The unnamed mum gave birth to the tot, known as Baby 59, on Saturday over a squat toilet at the block of flats where she lives in Pujiang.