solid ground

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Noun1.solid ground - the solid part of the earth's surfacesolid ground - the solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground"
object, physical object - a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow; "it was full of rackets, balls and other objects"
archipelago - a group of many islands in a large body of water
beachfront - a strip of land running along a beach
cape, ness - a strip of land projecting into a body of water
coastal plain - a plain adjacent to a coast
earth, globe, world - the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on; "the Earth moves around the sun"; "he sailed around the world"
floor - the ground on which people and animals move about; "the fire spared the forest floor"
foreland - land forming the forward margin of something
timberland, woodland, forest, timber - land that is covered with trees and shrubs
island - a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water
isthmus - a relatively narrow strip of land (with water on both sides) connecting two larger land areas
land mass, landmass - a large continuous extent of land
mainland - the main land mass of a country or continent; as distinguished from an island or peninsula
neck - a narrow elongated projecting strip of land
oxbow - the land inside an oxbow bend in a river
peninsula - a large mass of land projecting into a body of water
champaign, plain, field - extensive tract of level open land; "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain"; "he longed for the fields of his youth"
slash - an open tract of land in a forest that is strewn with debris from logging (or fire or wind)
wonderland - a place or scene of great or strange beauty or wonder
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solid ground

n to be on solid groundessere su terraferma (fig) → muoversi su un terreno sicuro
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
However, by carefully picking their way, they got safely along until they reached solid ground. But here the country seemed wilder than ever, and after a long and tiresome walk through the underbrush they entered another forest, where the trees were bigger and older than any they had ever seen.
When I became aware that the roc had settled and that I was once again upon solid ground, I hastily unbound my turban from its foot and freed myself, and that not a moment too soon; for the bird, pouncing upon a huge snake, killed it with a few blows from its powerful beak, and seizing it up rose into the air once more and soon disappeared from my view.
She did not tread the solid ground at all, or have any sense of belonging to the common human family, until she entered the side yard of the brick house and saw her aunt Miranda standing in the open doorway.
As to the first proceeding there is no solid ground to go upon, else Hawley would have adopted it; and as to opening the subject with Lydgate, I confess I should shrink from it.
The barrister was keen enough to divine that the banker would not have gone so far in his expression of opinion on any less solid ground than moral certainty.
A few minutes later he called to them to turn about quickly and step forward, and as they obeyed the order they found themselves treading solid ground.
"And we shan't set foot on the solid ground?" murmured Joe; "it's enough to cramp a fellow's legs!"
Sand being blown over it by the winds gave it the appearance of solid ground, whereas it was a bog.
In a word, there is no more solid ground for treating Perses and his quarrel with Hesiod as fictitious than there would be for treating Cyrnus, the friend of Theognis, as mythical.
There were portraits of men with large, melancholy eyes which seemed to say you knew not what; there were long monks in the Franciscan habit or in the Dominican, with distraught faces, making gestures whose sense escaped you; there was an Assumption of the Virgin; there was a Crucifixion in which the painter by some magic of feeling had been able to suggest that the flesh of Christ's dead body was not human flesh only but divine; and there was an Ascension in which the Saviour seemed to surge up towards the empyrean and yet to stand upon the air as steadily as though it were solid ground: the uplifted arms of the Apostles, the sweep of their draperies, their ecstatic gestures, gave an impression of exultation and of holy joy.
The place was horribly haunted by clouds of mosquitoes and every form of flying pest, so we were glad to find solid ground again and to make a circuit among the trees, which enabled us to outflank this pestilent morass, which droned like an organ in the distance, so loud was it with insect life.
The victors pushed their success to the opposite shore, and gained the solid ground in the melee of the fight.