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Related to world: World Bank, World clock


a. The earth, especially together with the life it supports: a chemical found all over the world; an ecological disaster that could threaten the entire world.
b. The universe: how the ancients conceived the world.
a. Humankind considered as social beings; human society: turned her back on the world.
b. People as a whole; the public: The event amazed the world.
3. often World A specified part of the earth: the Western World.
4. A part of the earth and its inhabitants as known at a given period in history: the ancient world.
5. A realm or domain: the animal world; the world of imagination.
a. A sphere of human activity or interest: the world of sports.
b. A class or group of people with common characteristics or pursuits: the scientific world.
7. A particular way of life: the world of the homeless.
8. All that relates to or affects the life of a person: He saw his world collapse about him.
9. Secular life and its concerns: a man of the world.
a. Human existence; life: brought a child into the world.
b. A state of existence: the next world.
11. often worlds A large amount; much: did her a world of good; candidates that are worlds apart on foreign policy.
12. A celestial body such as a planet: the possibility of life on other worlds.
1. Of or relating to the world: a world champion.
2. Involving or extending throughout the entire world: a world crisis.
for all the world
In all respects; precisely: She looked for all the world like a movie star.
in the world
Used as an intensive: How in the world did they manage? I never in the world would have guessed.
out of this world Informal
Extraordinary; superb: The dinner was out of this world.
the world over
Throughout the world: known the world over.
world without end

[Middle English, from Old English weorold; see wī-ro- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Human Geography) the earth as a planet, esp including its inhabitants
2. (Anthropology & Ethnology) mankind; the human race
3. people generally; the public: in the eyes of the world.
4. social or public life: to go out into the world.
5. (Astronomy) the universe or cosmos; everything in existence
6. (Astronomy) a complex united whole regarded as resembling the universe
7. (Astronomy) any star or planet, esp one that might be inhabited
8. (often capital) a division or section of the earth, its history, or its inhabitants: the Western World; the Ancient World; the Third World.
9. (Environmental Science) an area, sphere, or realm considered as a complete environment: the animal world.
10. any field of human activity or way of life or those involved in it: the world of television.
11. a period or state of existence: the next world.
12. the total circumstances and experience of an individual that make up his life, esp that part of it relating to happiness: you have shattered my world.
13. a large amount, number, or distance: worlds apart.
14. worldly or secular life, ways, or people
15. (Logic) logic See possible world
16. all the world and his wife a large group of people of various kinds
17. (Medicine) bring into the world
a. (of a midwife, doctor, etc) to deliver (a baby)
b. to give birth to
18. (Physiology) come into the world to be born
19. dead to the world informal unaware of one's surroundings, esp fast asleep or very drunk
20. for the world (used with a negative) for any inducement, however great
21. for all the world in every way; exactly
22. (Journalism & Publishing) give to the world to publish
23. in the world (usually used with a negative) (intensifier): no-one in the world can change things.
24. man of the world woman of the world a man or woman experienced in social or public life
25. not long for this world nearing death
26. on top of the world informal exultant, elated, or very happy
27. informal wonderful; excellent
28. set the world on fire to be exceptionally or sensationally successful
29. the best of both worlds the benefits from two different or opposed ways of life, philosophies, etc
30. think the world of to be extremely fond of or hold in very high esteem
31. world of one's own a state of mental detachment from other people
32. world without end for ever
33. (Human Geography) (modifier) of or concerning most or all countries; worldwide: world politics; a world record.
34. (in combination) throughout the world: world-famous.
[Old English w(e)orold, from wer man + ald age, life; related to Old Frisian warld, wrald, Old Norse verold, Old High German wealt (German Welt)]


(Placename) a man-made archipelago of 300 reclaimed islands built off the coast of Dubai in the shape of a map of the world. Area: 63 sq km (24 sq miles)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the earth or globe, considered as a planet.
2. (often cap.) a particular division of the earth: the Western world.
3. the earth or a part of it, with its inhabitants, affairs, etc., during a particular period: the ancient world.
4. humankind; the human race; humanity.
5. the public generally: The whole world knows it.
6. the class of persons devoted to the affairs, interests, or pursuits of this life: The world worships success.
7. a particular class of people, with common interests, aims, etc.: the fashionable world.
8. any sphere, realm, or domain, with all pertaining to it: the world of dreams.
9. everything that exists; the universe; the macrocosm.
10. one of the three general groupings of physical nature: animal world; mineral world; vegetable world.
11. any period, state, or sphere of existence: this world; the world to come.
12. Often, worlds. a great deal: That trip was worlds of fun.
13. any indefinitely great expanse.
14. any heavenly body: the starry worlds.
1. bring into the world,
a. to give birth to; bear.
b. to deliver (a baby).
2. come into the world, to be born.
3. for all the world,
a. for any consideration, however great: She wouldn't visit them for all the world.
b. in every respect; precisely: You look for all the world like my friend Mary.
4. in the world,
a. at all: without a care in the world.
b. (used as an intensifier after interrogative words): What in the world do you mean by that?
5. out of this world, extraordinary; wonderful; fantastic.
6. think the world of, to like, admire or care about very much.
7. world without end, for all eternity; forever.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English w(e)orld, c. Old Saxon werold, Old High German weralt, Old Norse verǫld, all < Germanic *wer-ald- literally, age of man]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 the inhabitants of the earth; human society; the human race; a great quantity or amount, e.g., it makes a world of difference.
Examples: worlds of company, 1590; of ships, 1586.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



See Also: LIFE

  1. Our world is only a practical joke of God, like a bad day —Franz Kafka
  2. This world is like Noah’s Ark in which few men but many beasts embark —Samuel Butler
  3. The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination, but the combination is locked up in the safe —Peter de Vries
  4. The world is a gaming table so arranged that all who enter the casino must play and all must lose more or less heavily in the long run, though they win occasionally by the way —Samuel Butler
  5. The world is a looking glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face —William Makepeace Thackeray

    The looking glass comparison from Vanity Fair continues as follows: “Frown at it and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly kind companion.”

  6. The world is a mirror: what looks in looks out. It returns only what you lend it —Ludwig Boerne
  7. The world is an expensive hotel; you pay dearly for each pleasure —Israel Salanter Lipkin
  8. The world is like a beautiful book, but of little use to anyone who cannot read it —Carolo Goldon

    The original simile used the word ‘him’ instead of ‘anyone.’

  9. The world is like a board with holes in it, and the square men have got into the round holes, and the round into the square —Bishop George Berkeley
  10. The world is like a cucumber, today it’s in your hand, tomorrow up your arse —Arabic proverb
  11. The world is like a drunken peasant. If you lift him into the saddle on one side, he will fall off on the other. One can’t help him, no matter how one tries —Martin Luther
  12. The world is like a fair: people gather for a while, then part; some profit and rejoice, others lose and grieve —Bahya
  13. The world is like a fountain-wheel: the buckets ascend full and descend empty —The Holy Bible/Exodus

    The biblical passage concludes with “Who’s rich today may not be so tomorrow.”

  14. The world is like a foyer leading to the world to come —Rabbi Jacob

    In the Mishna, this continues with “Prepare yourself in the foyer, so that you may enter into the inner chamber.” Another version of this reads: “The world is like an antechamber to the next. Prepare yourself here that you may be admitted to the banquet hall there.”

  15. The world is like a great staircase, some go up and others go down —Hipponax
  16. The world is like a house, with the sky as a ceiling, the earth spread out like a carpet, the stars arrayed like lamps … and man its master —Bahya
  17. The world is like a ladder: one goes up, another goes down —Immanuel of Rome
  18. The world is like a map of antipathies … in which everyone picks the symbolic color of his difference —Juan Ramon Jimenez
  19. The world is like an enormous spider web and if you touch it, however lightly, at any point, the vibration ripples to the remotest perimeter —Robert Penn Warren
  20. The world is like an old coquette who conceals her age —Voltaire
  21. The world is like a pump-wheel, through which the full is emptied and the empty filled —Naham Bratzlav
  22. The world like a cradle rises and falls on a wave of confetti and funerals —Louis MacNeice
  23. The world waits to be made over by each man who inhabits it, and it is made over every morning like a bed —William Saroyan
  24. A world where cliches fit like a gown by Edith Head —Tom Nolan, New York Times Book Review, November 9, 1986

    The comparison to a Hollywood designer’s gowns was most appropriate as the book being reviewed had a Hollywood background.

Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - everything that exists anywhereworld - everything that exists anywhere; "they study the evolution of the universe"; "the biggest tree in existence"
natural object - an object occurring naturally; not made by man
extragalactic nebula, galaxy - (astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust; "`extragalactic nebula' is a former name for `galaxy'"
celestial body, heavenly body - natural objects visible in the sky
closed universe - (cosmology) a universe that is spatially closed and in which there is sufficient matter to halt the expansion that began with the big bang; the visible matter is only 10 percent of the matter required for closure but there may be large amounts of dark matter
estraterrestrial body, extraterrestrial object - a natural object existing outside the earth and outside the earth's atmosphere
natural order - the physical universe considered as an orderly system subject to natural (not human or supernatural) laws
nature - the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.; "they tried to preserve nature as they found it" - people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest; "the Western world"
social class, socio-economic class, stratum, class - people having the same social, economic, or educational status; "the working class"; "an emerging professional class"
academe, academia - the academic world
Grub Street - the world of literary hacks - all of your experiences that determine how things appear to youworld - all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; "his world was shattered"; "we live in different worlds"; "for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were"
real life, real world - the practical world as opposed to the academic world; "a good consultant must have a lot of experience in the real world"
experience - the content of direct observation or participation in an event; "he had a religious experience"; "he recalled the experience vividly" - the 3rd planet from the sunworld - the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on; "the Earth moves around the sun"; "he sailed around the world"
atmosphere, air - the mass of air surrounding the Earth; "there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere"; "it was exposed to the air"
hemisphere - half of the terrestrial globe
Van Allen belt - a belt of charged particles (resulting from cosmic rays) above the Earth trapped by the Earth's magnetic field
hydrosphere - the watery layer of the earth's surface; includes water vapor
dry land, ground, solid ground, terra firma, earth, land - the solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground"
geosphere, lithosphere - the solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle
sky - the atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth
solar system - the sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational field - people in general considered as a wholeworld - people in general considered as a whole; "he is a hero in the eyes of the public"
people - (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively; "old people"; "there were at least 200 people in the audience"
admass - the segment of the public that is easily influenced by mass media (chiefly British)
audience - the part of the general public interested in a source of information or entertainment; "every artist needs an audience"; "the broadcast reached an audience of millions" - a part of the earth that can be considered separately; "the outdoor world"; "the world of insects"
part, piece - a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite" - the concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife; "they consider the church to be independent of the world"
concern - something that interests you because it is important or affects you; "the safety of the ship is the captain's concern" - all of the living human inhabitants of the earthworld - all of the living human inhabitants of the earth; "all the world loves a lover"; "she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women"
group, grouping - any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
human, human being, man - any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
people - (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively; "old people"; "there were at least 200 people in the audience" - involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope; "global war"; "global monetary policy"; "neither national nor continental but planetary"; "a world crisis"; "of worldwide significance"
international - concerning or belonging to all or at least two or more nations; "international affairs"; "an international agreement"; "international waters"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. earth, planet, globe, earthly sphere It's a beautiful part of the world.
2. mankind, man, men, everyone, the public, everybody, humanity, human race, humankind, the race of man The world was shocked by this heinous crime.
3. sphere, system, area, field, environment, province, kingdom, realm, domain The publishing world had never seen an event quite like this.
4. life, nature, existence, creation, universe, cosmos Be happy, in this world and the next!
5. planet, star, orb, heavenly body conditions which would support life on other worlds
6. period, times, days, age, era, epoch What was life like for the ordinary man in the medieval world?
7. huge amount (usually used in phrase 'a world of difference') mountain, wealth, great deal, good deal, abundance, enormous amount, vast amount They may look alike but there's a world of difference between them.
for all the world exactly, just like, precisely, in every way, to all intents and purposes, just as if, in every respect He looked for all the world as if he was dead.
on top of the world (Informal) overjoyed, happy, ecstatic, elated, over the moon (informal), exultant, on cloud nine (informal), cock-a-hoop, in raptures, beside yourself with joy After his win, he was on top of the world.
out of this world (Informal) wonderful, great (informal), excellent, superb, fantastic (informal), incredible, fabulous (informal), marvellous, unbelievable, awesome (slang), indescribable, bodacious (slang, chiefly U.S.) The food in this place is simply out of this world.
think the world of someone love, treasure, worship, adore, dote on, hold someone dear, have great affection for I thought the world of my father.
"The world began without man, and it will end without him" [Claude Lévi-Strauss Tristes Tropiques]
"All the world's a stage" [William Shakespeare As you Like It]
"The world's mine oyster" [William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The celestial body where humans live:
earth (often uppercase).
2. The totality of all existing things:
4. A sphere of activity, experience, study, or interest:
Slang: bag.
5. The totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting growth or development:
6. A great deal:
Informal: barrel, heap, lot, pack, peck, pile.
Regional: power, sight.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أي كَوْكَب آخرالنّاس على سَطْح الأرْضحَياة العالَم، النّاس العادييندنياعالم
verdengøre godtjordenplanet
heimur, annaî tilverustigheimur, veröldjörîinmannkyniîmjög mikiî
ką gikaip ne šio pasauliopasaulietiškumaspasauliotarytum
pasaulepasaulīgā dzīveplanētavidezeme
svetveľmi veľa
dünyadünya kadardünyasıherkesmevcudiyet
thế giới


A. N
1. (= planet) → mundo m
Australia is on the other side of the worldAustralia está al otro lado del mundo
the world we live inel mundo en el que vivimos
the world's worst cookel peor cocinero del mundo
our company leads the world in shoe manufacturingnuestra empresa es líder mundial en la confección de calzado
since the world begandesde que el mundo es mundo
in the best of all possible worldsen el mejor de los mundos
it's not the end of the world!¡no es el fin del mundo!
the tallest man in the worldel hombre más alto del mundo
it's what he wants most in (all) the worldes lo que más quiere en el mundo
the New Worldel Nuevo Mundo
the Old Worldel Viejo Mundo
she has travelled all over the worldha viajado por todo el mundo
people came from all over the worldvino gente de todas partes del mundo
it's the same the world overes igual en todo el mundo, es igual vayas a donde vayas
in a perfect world this would be possibleen un mundo ideal or perfecto esto sería posible
you have to start living in the real worldtienes que empezar a afrontar la vida or la realidad
to go round the worlddar la vuelta al mundo
on a world scalea escala mundial
to see the worldver mundo
to take the world as it isaceptar la realidad, aceptar las cosas como son
the worst of all possible worldsel peor de todos los mundos posibles
to have the world at one's feettener el mundo a sus pies
it's out of this worldes una maravilla
to live in a world of one's ownvivir en su propio mundo
you seem to be in a world of your own todayhoy parece que estás en otro mundo
the world is your oystertienes el mundo a tus pies
it's a small world!¡el mundo es un pañuelo!
to feel on top of the worldsentirse de maravilla
see also dead A1
see also money A1
see also third D
2. (= realm) → mundo m
the world of dreamsel mundo de los sueños
the animal worldel reino animal
the Arab worldel mundo árabe
the business worldel mundo de los negocios
the English-speaking worldel mundo de habla inglesa
the plant worldel reino vegetal
the world of sportel mundo deportivo, el mundo de los deportes
the sporting worldel mundo deportivo, el mundo de los deportes
the Western worldel mundo occidental
3. (= society) → mundo m
her blouse was undone for all the world to seetenía la blusa desabrochada a la vista de todo el mundo
to be alone in the worldestar solo en el mundo, no tener a nadie en el mundo
to come down in the worldvenir a menos
to go up in the worldprosperar, medrar
the world and his wifeel ciento y la madre, todo Dios
see also man A1
see also outside C1
see also way A2
4. (= life) → mundo m
in this worlden esta vida, en este mundo
to bring a child into the worldtraer a un niño al mundo
to come into the worldvenir al mundo
in the next worlden la otra vida, en el otro mundo
the other worldel otro mundo
to have the best of both worldstenerlo todo
he's not long for this worldno le queda mucha vida, le queda poco de vida
5. (in emphatic expressions)
for all the world as if it had never happenedcomo si nunca hubiera ocurrido
she looked for all the world as if she were deadcualquiera hubiera dicho que estaba muerta
they're worlds apartson totalmente opuestos or diferentes, no tiene nada que ver el uno con el otro
they're worlds apart politicallypolíticamente los separa un abismo, mantienen posiciones políticas totalmente diferentes
their views are worlds apartsus opiniones son totalmente distintas
there's a world of difference betweenhay un mundo or abismo entre ...
I'd give the world to knowdaría todo el oro del mundo por saberlo
it did him the world of goodle sentó de maravilla, le hizo la mar de bien
nothing in the world would make me do itno lo haría por nada del mundo
how in the world did you manage to do it?¿cómo demonios or diablos conseguiste hacerlo?
what in the world were you thinking of!¡qué demonios or diablos estabas pensando!
where in the world has he got to?¿dónde demonios or diablos se ha metido?
why in the world did you do that?¿por qué demonios or diablos hiciste eso?
she means the world to meella significa muchísimo para mí
not for all the worldpor nada del mundo
he promised me the worldme prometió la luna
to think the world of sbtener a algn en gran estima
B. CPD [economy, proportions] → mundial; [events, news] → internacional; [trade] → internacional, mundial; [tour] → mundial, alrededor del mundo
World Bank NBanco m Mundial
world beater Ncampeón(ona) m/f mundial
world champion Ncampeón(ona) m/f del mundo, campeón(ona) m/f mundial
world championship Ncampeonato m mundial, campeonato m del mundo
the World Council of Churches Nel Concilio Mundial de las Iglesias
the World Court Nel Tribunal Internacional de Justicia
the World Cup N (Ftbl) → la Copa Mundial, la Copa del Mundo
world fair Nferia f universal
the World Health Organization Nla Organización Mundial de la Salud
world language Nlengua f universal
world leader N [of country, company] → líder m mundial; (= politician) → jefe/a m/f de estado
world market Nmercado m mundial
world market price Nprecio m (del mercado) mundial
world order Norden m mundial
world power N (= country) → potencia f mundial
world premiere Nestreno m mundial
world record Nrécord m mundial
World Series N (US) → campeonato m mundial de béisbol BASEBALL world title Ntítulo m mundial
world view Ncosmovisión f
world war Nguerra f mundial
World War One/Twola Primera/Segunda Guerra Mundial
the World Wide Web Nel World Wide Web
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= earth) → monde m
I'd like to drive around the world → J'aimerais faire le tour du monde en voiture.
in many parts of the world → en de nombreuses parties du monde
to go round the world → faire le tour du monde
all over the world → dans le monde entier, partout dans le monde
(= planet) → monde m
(= people on earth, society) → monde m
The whole world was shocked → Le monde entier a été choqué.
a man of the world → un homme du monde
a woman of the world → une femme du monde
(= particular part of earth) → monde m
the Arab world → le monde arabe
the western world → le monde occidental
the English-speaking world → le monde anglophone
the developing world → les pays en voie de développement
(= particular period in history) the ancient world → le monde antique
the modern world → le monde moderne
(= person's life) → monde m
His world is so different to mine → Son monde est tellement différent du mien.
to be in a world of one's own → vivre dans un monde à part
(= milieu) → monde m
the publishing world → le monde de l'édition
the sporting world → le monde des sports
the art world → le monde de l'art
(= kingdom) → monde m
the animal world → le monde animal
the insect world → le monde des insectes
the plant world → le monde végétal
(for emphasis) to think the world of sb (= love dearly) → estimer énormément qn, avoir énormément d'estime pour qn
We thought the world of each other → Nous nous estimions énormément., Nous avions énormément d'estime l'un(e) pour l'autre.
what in the world ... ? → que diable ... ?
What in the world is he doing? → Que diable fait-il?
where in the world ... ? → diable ... ?
Where in the world have you been? → diable étais-tu passé?
to do sb the world of good, to do sb a world of good → faire le plus grand bien à qn
to be worlds apart → être à des années-lumière
a world of difference (= a huge difference) → un abîme
there's a world of difference between ... and ... . → il y a un abîme entre... et ...
to be out of this world → être extraordinaire
to be on top of the world → être aux anges
modif [authority, expert, event, domination, fame, market, peace, poverty, premiere] → mondial(e); [tour] → mondial(e); [travel] → à travers le mondeWorld Bank n
the World Bank → la Banque mondialeworld champion nchampion(ne) m/f du monde
He's the world champion → Il est champion du championship nchampionnat m du mondeworld-class [ˌwɜːrldˈklɑːs] adj [player, team] → de classe mondiale; [company] → de classe mondialeWorld Cup n
the World Cup → la Coupe du mondeWorld Fair nexposition f universelleworld-famous [ˌwɜːrldˈfeɪməs] adjde renommée mondialeWorld Health Organization n
the World Health Organization → l'Organisation f mondiale de la santéWorld Heritage Site nsite m inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondialworld leader n
(POLITICS)leader m mondial
(in business, professional field)leader m mondial
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Welt f; in the worldauf der Welt; all over the worldauf der ganzen Welt; he jets/sails all over the worlder jettet/segelt in der Weltgeschichte herum; it’s the same the whole world overes ist (doch) überall das Gleiche; to go (a)round the worldeine Weltreise machen; to sail (a)round the worldrund um die Welt segeln; to feel or be on top of the worldmunter und fidel sein; it’s not the end of the world! (inf)deshalb or davon geht die Welt nicht unter! (inf); it’s a small worldwie klein doch die Welt ist; to live in a world of one’s ownin seiner eigenen (kleinen) Welt leben; love makes the world go roundes dreht sich alles um die Liebe; money makes the world go roundes dreht sich alles um das Geld, Geld regiert die Welt; in an ideal or a perfect worldin einer idealen Welt
the New/Old/Third Worlddie Neue/Alte/Dritte Welt; the business worlddie Geschäftswelt; the sporting worlddie Welt des Sports; the literary worlddie literarische Welt; the animal/vegetable worlddie Tier-/Pflanzenwelt; in the Roman worldzur Zeit der Römer
(= society)Welt f; man/woman of the worldMann m/Frau fvon Welt; to come or go down in the worldherunterkommen; to go up or to rise in the worldes (in der Welt) zu etwas bringen; he had the world at his feetdie ganze Welt lag ihm zu Füßen; to lead the world in somethingin etw (dat)in der Welt führend sein; how goes the world with you?wie gehts?, wie stehts?; all the world knows …alle Welt or jeder weiß; all the world and his wife were thereGott und die Welt waren da (inf); in the eyes of the worldvor der Welt
(= this life)Welt f; to come into the worldzur Welt kommen, auf die Welt kommen; world without end (Eccl) → von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit; to renounce the world (Rel) → der Welt (dat)entsagen; to have the best of both worldsdas eine tun und das andere nicht lassen; out of this world (inf)fantastisch, phantastisch; he is not long for this worlder steht schon mit einem Fuß im Jenseits; to bring somebody into the worldjdn zur Welt bringen; to bring something into the worldetw in die Welt setzen; to go to a better worldin eine bessere Welt eingehen; to be (all) alone in the worldallein auf der Welt sein
(emph)Welt f; not for (all) the worldnicht um alles in der Welt; nothing in the worldnichts auf der Welt; what/who in the worldwas/wer in aller Welt; it did him a world of goodes hat ihm (unwahrscheinlich) gutgetan; a world of differenceein himmelweiter Unterschied; they’re worlds apartsie sind total verschieden; for all the world like …beinahe wie …; he looked for all the world as if nothing had happeneder sah aus, als wäre überhaupt nichts geschehen; to mean the world to somebodyjdm alles bedeuten; to think the world of somebodygroße Stücke auf jdn halten


in cpdsWelt-;
World Bank
nWeltbank f
n (Brit inf) to be a worldunschlagbar sein
world champion
nWeltmeister(in) m(f)
world championship
world class
n (Sport etc) → Weltklasse f
adjWeltklasse-, der Weltklasse; world playerWeltklassespieler(in) m(f)
world clock
nWeltzeituhr f
World Court
nWeltgerichtshof m
World Cup
nFußballweltmeisterschaft f; (= cup)Weltpokal m
world economy
World Fair
World Health Organization
World Heritage Site
nWeltkulturerbe ntor -denkmal nt
world language
nWeltsprache f
world leader
(Pol) the worldsdie führenden Regierungschefs der Welt
(Comm: = country, company) → weltweiter Marktführer, Weltführer m


world market
n (Econ) → Weltmarkt m
world music
nWeltmusik f
world peace
nWeltfrieden m
world picture
world power
nWeltmacht f
world rankings
plWeltrangliste f
world record
nWeltrekord m
world record holder
nWeltrekordinhaber(in) m(f)
world’s champion
n (US) → Weltmeister(in) m(f)
World Service
n the world (Brit Rad) internationaler Rundfunksender der BBC
World’s Fair
n (US) → Weltausstellung f
world’s record
n (US) → Weltrekord m
world trade
n (Econ) → Welthandel m
World Trade Organization
nWeltbild nt
world war
nWeltkrieg m
World War One, World War I
World War Two, World War II
nZweiter Weltkrieg
adjlebensmüde, lebensüberdrüssig
adj, advweltweit; on a world scaleweltweit
World Wide Web
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (gen) → mondo
in the world → al mondo
all over the world → in tutto il mondo
to be on top of the world → essere al settimo cielo
it's a small world! → com'è piccolo il mondo!
alone in the world → solo/a al mondo
it's not the end of the world! (fam) → non è la fine del mondo!
to live in a world of one's own → vivere in un mondo tutto proprio
the business world → il mondo degli affari
the world we live in → il mondo in cui viviamo
to come or go down, go up or rise in the world → scendere/salire nella scala sociale
to come into the world → venire al mondo
the next world → l'aldilà m inv
to have the best of both worlds → avere un doppio vantaggio
it's out of this world! (fam) → è la fine del mondo!
he's not long for this world → non gli rimane molto da vivere
b. (phrases) I wouldn't do it for the world or for anything in the worldnon lo farei per niente al mondo
what in the world is he doing? → che caspita sta facendo?
to think the world of sb → pensare un gran bene di qn
there's a world of difference between ... → c'è un abisso tra...
to do sb a world of good → fare un gran bene a qn
the world and his wife → un miliardo di persone
they're worlds apart → non hanno niente in comune
she looked for all the world as if she was dead → sembrava proprio che fosse morta
the world's worst cook → la cuoca peggiore che possa esistere
2. adj (tour, power) → mondiale; (record) → del mondo, mondiale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(wəːld) noun
1. the planet Earth. every country of the world.
2. the people who live on the planet Earth. The whole world is waiting for a cure for cancer.
3. any planet etc. people from other worlds.
4. a state of existence. Many people believe that after death the soul enters the next world; Do concentrate! You seem to be living in another world.
5. an area of life or activity. the insect world; the world of the international businessman.
6. a great deal. The holiday did him a/the world of good.
7. the lives and ways of ordinary people. He's been a monk for so long that he knows nothing of the (outside) world.
ˈworldly adjective
of or belonging to this world; not spiritual. worldly pleasures.
ˈworldliness noun
ˌworldˈwide adjective, adverb
(extending over or found) everywhere in the world. a worldwide sales network; Their products are sold worldwide.
World Wide WebWWWthe best of both worlds
the advantages of both the alternatives in a situation etc in which one can normally only expect to have one. A woman has the best of both worlds when she has a good job and a happy family life.
for all the world
exactly, quite etc. What a mess you're in! You look for all the world as if you'd had an argument with an express train.
out of this world
unbelievably marvellous. The concert was out of this world.
what in the world(?)
used for emphasis when asking a question. What in the world have you done to your hair?
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عَالَم svět verden Welt κόσμος mundo maailma monde svijet mondo 世界 세계 wereld verden świat mundo мир värld โลก dünya thế giới 世界
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Then, too, she must have been impressed by the wondrous mechanism of the prospector which had bored its way from world to world and back again.
This ceremony is held in the depth of winter, but by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring.
The work of a suffering and tortured God, did the world then seem to me.
It was in the year 1976 that the trouble between the world and China reached its culmination.
of us, under the easy circumstance of our own weakness, remains another way most easily to express ourselves for the purpose of eliminating from the world the cruelty that is practised by some few of us, for the entertainment of the rest of us, on the trained animals, who, after all, are only lesser animals than we on the round world's surface.
We have passed entirely through its crust to the inner world."
Doubtless one leading reason why the world declines honoring us whalemen, is this: they think that, at best, our vocation amounts to a butchering sort of business; and that when actively engaged therein, we are surrounded by all manner of defilements.
`About eight or nine in the morning I came to the same seat of yellow metal from which I had viewed the world upon the evening of my arrival.
Those who are not professional metaphysicians are willing to confess that they do not know what mind actually is, or how matter is constituted; but they remain convinced that there is an impassable gulf between the two, and that both belong to what actually exists in the world. Philosophers, on the other hand, have maintained often that matter is a mere fiction imagined by mind, and sometimes that mind is a mere property of a certain kind of matter.
His introduction to the European world is entirely due to Professor Giles.
On the imposing expanse of the great estuary the traffic of the port where so much of the world's work and the world's thinking is being done becomes insignificant, scattered, streaming away in thin lines of ships stringing themselves out into the eastern quarter through the various navigable channels of which the Nore lightship marks the divergence.
He knew their literary quality, and their rank in the literary, world; but I believe he was surprised at the passion I instantly conceived for them.