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n.1.The second law officer in the government of Great Britain; also, a similar officer under the United States government, who is associated with the attorney-general; also, the chief law officer of some of the States.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Their Solicitor-General was advanced a step, and they put Delamayn in his place.
"The Solicitor-General then opened the case for the prosecution," said she.
Solicitor-General then, following his leader's lead, examined the patriot: John Barsad, gentleman, by name.
'The solicitor-general will step in as the law allows so,' Varughese told the media, after a meeting between the council and Thomas at the Attorney General's Chambers here.
For saying he has an 'empty skull,' Solicitor-General Jose Calida on Wednesday dared Senator Leila De Lima to show her Bar examination score in Criminal Law and whoever has the lower score should resign.
Manmohan Singh, here on Monday in the wake of Solicitor-General Gopal Subramaniam offering to resign after being upset with the government's move to appoint a private counsel to defend the Telecom Ministry in the 2G case in Supreme Court.
Mr O'Brien, who is the government's Solicitor-General, said: "I was strongly in favour of the bill and was one of the people who took the view that we really needed this piece of legislation to prevent the very unpleasant, nasty stuff I've seen put out by BNP and others where they try to get round the Race Relations legislation by attacking people on the basis that they are Muslim."
The solicitor-general that was standing in for then Attorney General (AG) Tan Sri Apandi Ali would have been able to review and facilitate the repeal of bad laws, but appointing Tommy Thomas to the post was necessary for quick reforms, lawyers have commented.
The Solicitor-General, in seeking Celdran's acquittal, said his act is a protected speech and the application of Article 133 to him is unconstitutional.
New Delhi, July 10 (ANI): Solicitor-General Gopal Subramaniam said on Sunday that he had offered his resignation to maintain the dignity of the office he holds.