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or Su·khu·mi  (so͝ok′ə-mē, so͝oKH′-)
A city of western Georgia on the Black Sea west-northwest of Tbilisi. The administrative capital of the republic of Abkhazia, it is the center of an Abkhazian secessionist movement.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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RIGA, Aug 26 (LETA) - Several countries, including Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, have issued a joint statement on the non-recognition of the legitimacy of the so-called 'presidential elections' held in Georgia's Abkhazia region by the de facto authorities in Sokhumi on August 25, 2019, LETA was told at the Foreign Ministry.
Notably, all 4 records originate from coastal cities (Adler, Sochi, Sokhumi, and Batumi) along a 280-km front (Dubovikoff & Yusupov 2018; D.
The Kremlin's direct involvement went further with aircraft bombing the region's capital of Sokhumi as Abkhazian separatist forces attempted to retake it from Georgian forces in 1993.
Sokhumi, Tskhinvali Reject Tbilisi's EU Visa Liberalization Offer (2017),, [], March 4, 2017.
Richards is a very experienced player, who also played professionally in Belgium, Georgia (Sokhumi), Italy, Poland (Asseco), Spain (Gran Canaria), Switzerland (Lugano Tigers and Monthey) and the United Arab Emirates (Al Naser).
The UN could struggle based on previous experience; the so-called Boden paper prepared by the UN Secretariat on "Basic Principles for the Distribution of the Competences between Tbilisi and Sokhumi" was promising on paper but failed to prompt real action.
Depardieu, who hailed Russia's "great democracy" ( when he was granted nationality by President Vladimir Putin , arrived in Abkhazia's capital of Sokhumi.
Under the pretext of protecting the rail cargo transit to Russia from looting, Georgian troops entered Abkhazia in August 1992 and occupied its capital, Sokhumi. After receiving considerable assistance from mercenaries from the Northern Caucasus, the Baltic States, Cossacks from the southern provinces of Russia, and military aid and support from the Russian military bases in Abkhazia, the Abkhazians managed to retake Sokhumi in September 1993.
Calling on all sides to refrain from violence and try to ease the ongoing tensions, Ferrero-Waldner argued for a new format of peace talks between Tbilisi and Sokhumi. "Abkhazia and Georgia need to talk to each other," she said.
Moreover, we are also making some claim to the projection of a Black Sea system northward from Transnistria, Odessa, and Sokhumi because a stable system would require both the resolution of "frozen conflicts" along a northeast arc and access to the great commercial rivers that flow into the Black Sea: the Danube, Dniester, and Dnieper.