slate pencil

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Noun1.slate pencil - a pencil of soft slate (or soapstone) used for writing on a slate
pencil - a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood
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He placed delicate tributes of spruce gum, molasses taffy, "conversation" candies and decorated slate pencils on her desk; he persistently "chose" her in all school games calling for a partner; he entreated to be allowed to carry her basket from school; he offered to work her sums for her; and rumour had it that he had made a wild statement to the effect that he meant to ask if he might see her home some night from prayer meeting.
Charlie Sloane's slate pencil, gorgeously bedizened with striped red and yellow paper, costing two cents where ordinary pencils cost only one, which he sent up to her after dinner hour, met with a more favorable reception.
Alice Rob- inson rolled a perfectly new slate pencil over the floor with her foot until it reached Rebecca's place, while her seat-mate, Emma Jane, had made up a little mound of paper balls and labeled them "Bullets for you know who."
The old Battery out on the marshes was our place of study, and a broken slate and a short piece of slate pencil were our educational implements: to which Joe always added a pipe of tobacco.
The most common type of foreign body was vegetable seeds (32%), followed by slate pencils (19%), stones (18%) and the least type being button cells (5%).
- first names or initials are mostly used for those who took part - recounted in the 1920s: "We used to write on slates with slate pencils, which squeaked horribly, or in exercise books with pens with steel nibs and ink from ink-wells filled with greyish ink".
"Amongst the other nds were slate pencils, painted medieval window glass, pottery, roof tile and medieval -oor tiles."