slatted floor

slatted floor

a floor made with slats of wood so that water can drain away
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The polymer surfaces wipe clean, and the roosting area is fitted with a slatted floor so droppings fall onto a slide-out tray for easy emptying.
To keep the weight down I prefer the slatted floor and inflatable keel as it takes up less room.
This requirement, however, is not mandatory if its omission is technically justified through, for instance, by a slatted floor or by the potential for problems in waste disposal; however, failure to implement this practice could affect the welfare of the females by preventing them from expressing an important behavior.
It is well established that pigs prefer to lie on a solid floor (Aarnink et al., 1997), and excrete on the slatted floor (Aarnink et al., 1997).
While weights at weaning were not significantly affected by the type of floor, average 4 months weight of the calves housed on the slatted floor pens (93.3+-2.1 kg) was significantly (Pless than0.05) higher than that of animals on the pens with rubber mats (83.3+-2.2 kg).
Shining my headlamp through the slatted floor boards I could see the glowing yellow eyes of a medium sized croc devouring the last tidbits of a local bird just beneath my bed.
The samples made with this modification show no emergence of slatted floor, due to the change in the number of edge cuts performed.
Teak is used for cabinetry and the slatted floor of the two-person shower, adding to the exotic effect.
* identify the facility requirements of manual scraping, automatic alley scraping, water flush, and slatted floor manure removal systems.
The % solid or the % void (the two measures are perfectly correlated) is an important measure of a slatted floor's features.
Ifs an overwhelming, surreal tower of old furniture piled sky-high atop a slatted floor, lit from below.
It also sports a heat-reflecting tin roof and a slatted floor so the bats can come and go at their leisure.