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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.slate-gray - of the color of slate or granite; "the slaty sky of dawn"
achromatic, neutral - having no hue; "neutral colors like black or white"
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References in periodicals archive ?
A white brick fireplace grounds the window-lined living room; the dining room opens through French doors to a trellis-shaded deck at the side of the house; and the eat-in country-style kitchen is smartly outfitted with slate-gray countertops and snow-white cabinets.
At night I smoke my pipe and stare through slate-gray smoke at maned medallions hovering shed-high, abob with frowns that seem to find the ground they've left most worthy of their cupped stares down.
For privacy head to the fourth floor, a deliberately creepy labyrinth of mirrors, slate-gray walls, and a prison block with barred doors.