

1. (Commerce) a street vendor
2. (Recreational Drugs) an illegal drug dealer
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References in periodicals archive ?
Loving mother of Scott Slanger, Laura Stigvils, and Amy (Brian) Kolesar.
Their survey included only 54 students; similar results were found by Slanger, Berg, Fisk, and Hanson (2015) using ten years of College Student Inventory data.
(11.) Rhonda Keister, Robert Slanger, Matthew Bain, and David Pavlik, "Joint PME: Closing the Gap for Junior Officers," Joint Force Quarterly 74, July 2014, /jfq/jfq-74/jfq-74_65-71_Keister-et-al.pdf.
Abbas S, Linseisen J, Slanger T, Kropp S, Mutschelknauss EJ, Flesch-Janys D, et al.
Abbas S, Linseisen J, Slanger T, Kropp S, Mutscholknauss EJ, Flesch-Janys D, et al.
My interest began with the subject of a book I was writing: Frances Slanger, a Polish Jewish girl who immigrated to America in 1920.
(57.) Ronellenfitsch U, Schwarzbach M, Hofheinz R, Kienle P, Kieser M, Slanger TE, et al.
(28.) Sarker, M., Milkowski, A., Slanger, T., Gondos, A., Sanou, A., Kouyate, B., & Snow, R.
Ronellenfitsch U, Schwarzbach M, Hofheinz R, Kienle P, Kieser M, Slanger T, et al; GE Adenocarcinoma Meta-analysis Group.
Working at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, astronomers Candace Gray and Nancy Chanover (New Mexico State University), Tom Slanger (SRI International), and Karan Molaverdikhani (University of Colorado) observed Venus spectrographically on four separate occasions between 2012 and 2014.