slang term

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Noun1.slang term - informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasionsslang term - informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or vulgar; "their speech was full of slang expressions"
non-standard speech - speech that differs from the usual accepted, easily recognizable speech of native adult members of a speech community
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References in classic literature ?
Was it a slang term of the underworld for a pistol?
'If Bout, Edmund,' returned Mrs Sparkler, 'is the slang term for indisposition, he has.
So when a teenager uses a slang term in the correct context, it shows their affiliation with a specific group, or even a gang.
A spokesman for the company, named after a slang term for marijuana, told the Mercury it plans to open the new venues later on this year.
"Kari," in Korean, is a slang term, an adjective that describes someone or something as cool or having swag.
Dent, laughing, told Hewer: "Block your ears Nick, there is a US slang term for a fiendish or contemptible person, or toilet paper, and that's asswipe." The audience chuckled in amusement as Rachel Riley spelled the word on the board, however Hewer could not disguise his surprise.
The slang term is often used to refer to people, mostly youngsters or millennials, who are thought to take offense very easily and are perceived to be highly sensitive and intolerant of disagreement. 
Thulla is a slang term for "policeman" and is often heard in the northern and eastern parts of India.
fo' shizzle (adjective): This slang term originated in the language of rap and hip-hop and means 'for sure.' [2001].
Flanagan used the scars to help him land a string of movie roles and when he was offered a part in biker drama Sons, writers asked if he minded being called Chibs Telford - a slang term for a bladed weapon or facial scars.