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(Agriculture) a spade for cutting turf
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References in periodicals archive ?
As dusk enveloped Slane Castle, it made the stunning stage set-up look even more impressive.
PEDAL TO THE METAL Stage being built at Slane Castle yesterday
In the new role, Slane will lead the continued development of the bank's risk management program and will focus on safely enabling business strategies that facilitate the bank's long term success.
Slane chose to quit the SPL champions after hearing he wouldn't be offered a new longterm contract to remain at his boyhood heroes.
I'm saying publicly that there will not be a Slane in 2010."
For years, the white-haired, vivacious Slane has been a tireless donor, volunteer and/or board member for virtually every theater in Sarasota and Bradenton.
Colonel Robert Slane led a charmed life one might say.
As a result, he has slipped to a handy mark, but I fancy Hunting Slane can beat him for finishing speed in the closing stages.
Slane had denied the charge and told the court he had wanted only to frighten his former partner and not harm her.
Heather said she was shattered when Slane was cleared of endangering her life in a bizarre case.
Never seen Metallica before but now I can cross it off bucket list STEPHEN CLARKE slane yesterday I've got the best job in the world, I get to play music to people and see their faces changes - Slane is beautiful, we love it METALLICA SINGER JAMES HETFIELD slane castle last night
Slane Castle owner Lord Henry Mount Charles told the Irish Mirror he was shocked and saddened to hear of the frontman's death.