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another name for scatter diagram
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Scattergram plots were used to describe the linear relationships between HbA1c and age and between HbA1c and FPG levels.
In the first simulation, Figure 2 shows the scattergram of 300 times 2D-DOA estimate results by our algorithm and the algorithm of [12].
The dispersion of the points that is perpendicular to the line of identity measures the width of the Poincaree scattergram and reflects the short-term HRV.
After plotting the isotopic data of both spring and groundwater in a [delta][sup.18]O versus [delta][sup.2]H scattergram (Figure 5), it is observed that the samples are well situated along the LMWL, therefore suggesting a complete meteoric origin of fresh, brackish, and hypersaline groundwater.
Caption: FIGURE 6: Scattergram of measured versus modeled heads in MODLOW.
About 95% malaria cases had abnormal WBC scattergram during the present study.
In order to create both graphs (Vocalization-Silence Scattergram and Vocalization-Silence Dynamic Graph), certain parameters are required for automatically determining vocalizations and silences.
A scattergram showed that patients having PVs of 25-40 ml had a higher density of NE cells, with a 0.72-3.16), than the groups smaller than 25 ml, 1.45/[mm.sup.2] (IQR: 0.84-2.23), and greater than 40 ml, 0.65/[mm.sup.2] (IQR: 0.43-1.70) (p = 0.013, Kruskal-Wallis test).
Let Young's modulus be 80 GPa, 85 GPa, and 90 GPa, respectively, map the complex eigenvalue scattergram in Figure 14.