

in a scattered or disordered manner
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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While previous reports indicated that OHCs did not express GLUT-5 [9], we observed that the outer hair cells expressed GLUT-5 scatteredly (data was not shown).
GLUT-1 expressed on all parts of OHCs scatteredly; it was not only in the cytoplasma but also on the cell membranes.
Common indigenous and Deshi white ducks are scatteredly distributed throughout Bangladesh that has been maintained by the farmers as family poultry under traditional husbandly practices (FAO, 2004).
Mucous cells are present scatteredly throughout the intestinal mucosa.
Mainly based on the "weapon of the weak" (Scott, 1990)--however, the weapon here was the body of the weak, and the transcript is "public transcript" rather than "hidden transcript" (Scott, 1990) - the subaltern people perform "justice resistance" (Yang, 2009) spontaneously, implicitly and scatteredly, through which "realpolitiks of resistance" (Comaroff 1985) and "infrapolitics" (Scott 1990) are formed.
The stress localization in D = 7 nm model is distributed scatteredly on the surface and inside with blurred direction and Figure 4(d) model only with several obvious localization on the surface, with the internal strain values almost uniformly distributed.
It was observed by STM images that these defects distributed scatteredly on the flat surface or centralized violently at the terrace boundaries which are proved to be responsible for the increased photocatalytic efficiency.