

a.1.Giddy; thoughtless.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
It is always good for young people to be put upon exerting themselves; and you know, my dear Catherine, you always were a sad little scatter-brained creature; but now you must have been forced to have your wits about you, with so much changing of chaises and so forth; and I hope it will appear that you have not left anything behind you in any of the pockets."
And she bare him a stout-hearted son, Atlas: also she bare very glorious Menoetius and clever Prometheus, full of various wiles, and scatter-brained Epimetheus who from the first was a mischief to men who eat bread; for it was he who first took of Zeus the woman, the maiden whom he had formed.
Scatter-brained and "afternoon" men spoil much more than their own affair in spoiling the temper of those who deal with them.
Flanagan, though he was the most scatter-brained person in the world, had a tenderness of heart which was unexpected and charming.
That functionary was a good- hearted, tearful, scatter-brained girl, lately taken by Tom's mother, Madam Brown, as she was called, from the village school to be trained as nurserymaid.
He felt a strong desire to hustle them all along a bit and teach them business habits; the hoary old dog and the grizzled, heavy-faced old butler with his prehistoric shirt-front, and the drowsy old moon, and above all the scatter-brained old philosopher who couldn't keep an appointment.
"He looked perfectly bowed down with remorse last time I saw him," said Will, regarding Tom with eyes full of fun, for Will was a boy as well as a bookworm, and relished a joke as well as scatter-brained Tom.
But Valentin heard a whisper that Brayne, like so many scatter-brained sceptics, was drifting to us; and that was quite a different thing.
She was matched by Rebecca Storm, her scatter-brained best friend who came up with the idea of the calendar but had a mammoth task trying to get the others on board.
But, one does not need to toe the line of some scatter-brained leaders whose agenda is political aggrandizement.
THE danger Trump presents is not fascism--he is too scatter-brained for that--but incompetence and buffoonery.
The problem is more than serious - it's life-and-death - but India's politicians, as usual, are bickering and indulging their scatter-brained ideas.