rumour mill

Also found in: Idioms.

rumour mill

informal a source of unofficial and unreliable information
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Looks like Mahira Khan has fallen victim to the rumour mill again.
"The rumour mill went into overdrive but the person shot then has no connection to him.
World Cup fever has well and truly swept across planet football this week - but that hasn't put a dent in the rumour mill.
However, the rumour mill is talking about the device using different names like iPad Pro, iPad Air Plus, or iPad Plus.
Predictably, the rumour mill went into overdrive but Marsh missed the trip to the capital due to illness.
There are a lot of Samsung smartphones that have been doing the rounds on the rumour mill. To start with, we have the Samsung Galaxy S4 Active, a much more rugged and well-built smartphone when compared to the Galaxy S4.
However, reporters will not leave the subject alone when the player himself is providing grist to the rumour mill - something an intelligent guy like Ba knows only too well.
Summary: The rumour mill is in overdrive Apple is releasing its much anticipated new iPad today and experts say it could be called the iPad HD.
SHANE Lynch wanted to set the rumour mill straight when I caught up with him this week.
They hit back at the "tram rumour mill" and said: "The project has not been cancelled.
The company told Feedinfo News Service that the jury had been presented with a tabloid-style rumour mill of mostly fabricated evidence during the trial.