Rump Parliament

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Related to Rump Parliament: Oliver Cromwell, commonwealth

Rump Parliament


the Rump

1. (Historical Terms) English history the remainder of the Long Parliament after Pride's Purge. It sat from 1648–53
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) English history the remainder of the Long Parliament after Pride's Purge. It sat from 1648–53
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It was doubtless wrong, from a family point of view, to sign a treaty with a man who had cut off the head of the king your father's brother-in-law, and to contract an alliance with a parliament which they call yonder the Rump Parliament; it was unbecoming, I acknowledge, but it was not unskillful from a political point of view, since, thanks to that treaty, I saved your majesty, then a minor, the trouble and danger of a foreign war, which the Fronde -- you remember the Fronde sire?" -- the young king hung his head -- "which the Fronde might have fatally complicated.
At this moment Monk is affecting devotion to the Rump Parliament; of this devotion, observe, I am not the dupe.
Members of this current House of Commons should consider this as they weigh up their options in the Brexit finale to come, lest the words of Oliver Cromwell, as he dissolved the Rump Parliament in 1653, come back to haunt them when the people get their next chance to cast their verdict: "You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ...
1182: The high altar of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is consecrated 1536: Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII, is beheaded at the Tower of London 1568: Elizabeth I arrests Mary, Queen of Scots 1588: The Spanish Armada sets sail from Lisbon, bound for England 1649: An act of the Rump Parliament makes England a republic for the next 11 years 1897: Oscar Wilde is released from Reading Gaol 1962: Marilyn Monroe (pictured) sings Happy Birthday for US President John F.
Theresa May-Hem and the Rump Parliament are failing to implement the will of the people and actually get us out of the EU and some are still calling for a second vote, when they should be accepting the democratic result of the independence day vote on June 23, 2016, and should be starting their very long campaign for a referendum of their own to rejoin the EU in around 20 years time.
"We have had the Long Parliament and the Rump Parliament. Now we have the Bone-headed Parliament" J Robins, Somerset, in a letter to the Daily Mail
"We have had the Long Parliament and the Rump Parliament. Now we have the Bone-headed Parliament" - J Robins, of Bridgwater, Somerset, in a letter to the Daily Mail
Had it been allowed, I'd have stood up and shouted - like Cromwell to the Rump Parliament of 1653 - "Let us have done with you.
Then, under the watchful eye of these modern-day storm troopers, the rump parliament "impeached" Yanukovych but did not follow the procedures laid out by Ukraine's constitution.
In 1653 Cromwell told the Rump Parliament: "Depart, I say; and let us have done with you.
And those who refuse to acknowledge that Egyptians don't yet live in a stable system like the UK's -- which hasn't experienced a coup since Oliver Cromwell dissolved the Rump parliament in 1653 -- do not generally offer much of an alternative.
On that fateful day, Oliver Cromwell, then the most powerful figure in Britain (he was the Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland), sensing that British national interests were under threat, marched to the Rump Parliament in London and put every MP in the then damned House to flight.