

1. (Commerce) a person who regrates or buys up commodities in advance and sells them for a higher price, esp during a crisis
2. (Historical Terms) a person who regrates or buys up commodities in advance and sells them for a higher price, esp during a crisis
3. (Commerce) Southwest English a middleman who buys commodities from a producer and brings them to market
4. (Historical Terms) Southwest English a middleman who buys commodities from a producer and brings them to market
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
AL brocator] 'a commercial agent, factor, broker, purveyor; also, one who serves as an agent in sordid business' 1355 MED; 'one who buys and sells public offices' 1386 MED); Regrater 1219, 1288, regrator 1439 (regrater [AF regrater, regratour (vars.
Juliana Greenstreet was cited as a common or public brewer for twenty-five years and her husband was once cited as a regrator of bread.
Brescius was told that the landlords had already sold most of their food reserves at high prices to regrators from outside the district; moreover, there was no effective way of interfering with their freedom of property, except by appealing to higher authorities to prohibit further food exports across district borders.(58)