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(Automotive Engineering) slang
a. the registration of a motor vehicle
b. a fee paid for this
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The property is a four-suite, 9,000 SF property situated on .2 acres in the Rego Park neighborhood of Queens.
Earlier, the Rego had commended Nigeria for its contributions to Africa's integration, describing the country as a 'pride' of Africa.
Rego serves as in-house counsel for Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Rego is currently the chief executive of Syndicate Bank Ltd and Kharat is now the CEO of Indian Bank.
Rego is known for her taste for female protagonists, for storytelling, and for perverting plots, and the five works of hers included here--four of them in pastel on paper mounted on aluminum--were inspired by two books published nearly 150 years apart by Portuguese writers: Jose Maria de Eca de Queiros's O Primo Basilio (Cousin Basflio) (1878) and Helia Correia's Bastardia (2005).
Rego came to Bank of India from IDBI Bank as he was promoted.
trigonoides) (Silva, Viana, & Neves, 2001; Aguiar et al., 2006; Buschini & Wolff, 2006; Mendes & Rego, 2007; Vinson, Frankie & Consoli, 2010).
But as many as 50 percent of teens with depression turn down medications, and of those who start antidepressants, as many as 50 percent fail to keep taking them, Rego said.
In the comments, Rego Apps showed up to congratulate Schey on summoning his car, revealing that the developer did not actually have the Apple Watch to hand when coding the feature and had not had a chance to try it out.
"Procrastination and work pressures, often leads to people delaying their retirement planning," says Anil Rego, CEO and founder of Right Horizons.