protection ratio

protection ratio

(Electronics) the minimum acceptable ratio between the amplitudes of a wanted radio or television broadcast signal and any interfering signal
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The experiment includes measurements of protection ratio with different DVB-T signal modulation schemes, code rates, guard intervals, frequency channels and received power combined with variations of LTE signal bandwidth and operating frequency.
In addition to the protection region, the secondary network can only reuse the spectrum if it is outside the grade B contour with additional distance, called the protection distance [d.sub.n]([DELTA]), which is dependent on the interference protection ratio, [DELTA], specified by the regulators.
Additionally, we distinguish each TV channel based on the technology type (i.e., analogue and digital) as this is one among important factors when protection ratios against WSDs are applied in the calculations as the two technology types use different protection ratio values.
The SANS 1557 states only that the UVB/UVA protection ratio must exceed 1:0.4.
The automobile and automobile vendor industry is said to enjoy the status of most protected industry in Pakistan where the Effective Protection Ratio (EPR) is comparatively very high.
Interference must be limited to the noise floor to maintain the victim's protection ratio.
Outage probability is one of the relevant performance measures for diversity systems operating in fading environments, defined as the probability that the resulting SIR falls below a given outage threshold q, also known as a protection ratio. This performance is an important consideration in the design of cellular and mobile systems.
These good results, which have been consistently repeated in recent months, speak to the high protection ratios offered by Panda's solutions.
- FFO/sales below 20% and continued moderate negative FCF driving a weakening of debt protection ratios.
The deterioration in Bakrieland Development's cash flow protection ratios, which would be aggravated by a failed offload of part of its ownership in PT Bakrie Toll Road this year, warrants the "negative" outlook, the agency added.
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