protected species

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protected species

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Since then, volunteers at Lancashire Wildlife Trust have worked hard to recover the protected species, but the latest outbreak could put their hard work in jeopardy.
In a scene that looks like it was part of a movie, people reported seeing over 60 long-billed corellas, a protected species, dropping from the sky in South Australia.
The brahminy kite is a protected species under the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010, and anyone in possession of the eagle can be fined up to RM100,000, jailed up to three years, or both.
Mr Ashraf said all available resources were being used to check extinction of endangered and protected species and improving condition of their respective habitats.
RAWALPINDI -- In order to curb illegal hunting of birds and animals in the city, the Rawalpindi Wildlife Department has launched a crackdown against poaching of protected species.
Pangolins, known in the Akan language as 'Aprawa', are a globally protected species to protect them from extinction, due to the mad rush for their delicate meat for local delicacies.
It said legislation will be brought in to add beavers to a European list of protected species of animals.
The presence of the protected species, which are legless lizards, at the fenced-off plot behind Brandwood Park Road, in Kings Heath, has raised concerns among half a dozen residents opposed to the development of three three-bedroom homes on the site.
The term 'protected species' refers to species that are protected by legislation.
The raven is a protected species under the Wildlife & Countryside Act.
Four other protected species were also allegedly killed.