protected sex

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pro·tect·ed sex

Sexual intercourse in which a condom or other device is used to decrease the risk of pregnancy or transmitting disease.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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But in the real and imperfect world, condoms and protected sex are the practical alternatives.
figure By VIVIAN JEBET Residents living in Archers Post, a small town that sits next to Ewaso Ng'iro River that splits Isiolo and Samburu counties, are keen on having protected sex despite biting condom shortage.
I mean, at the very least, it means that you've had sex;" "Just once I'd like to relapse at a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting;" [delta] Protected sex is way too expensive.
The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told police she went off with Bowmaker and had protected sex with him.
My friends, we need to talk about consensual sex, protected sex and women's sexual autonomy so that both women and men know how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, and to prevent domestic-partner violence.
Last month, a jury acquitted him of having unprotected sex with another 15-year-old girl in woods near where she lived and in a flat, as well as protected sex with her in his silver Vauxhall Corsa.
[28] This conservative attitude of Pakistani authorities creates images in the minds of the public that protected sex and condom usage is a deviant act that is inappropriate to talk about.
"After the spanking, during which hopefully we will both be very turned on, we would have some sexual fun including oral as a minimum but preferably also protected sex."
While latex condoms are considered a safe option when it comes to having protected sex, they can send r a guy or a girl into anaphylactic shock if he or she is allergic to the material.
Having protected sex and using condoms is more important than ever.
(27) Dispelling the presumptive incompatibility between "autonomy" and "disability," we delineate three options for reforming sexual assault law: 1) refurbish (by reprioritizing and redefining) consent; 2) expand status restrictions on sexual relations: prohibit sexual conduct not only between parents and their children and teachers and their students, but also across other relations of dependence; 3) specify persons with disabilities as a protected sex class: apply an accommodation model of disability--that is not merely an antidiscrimination model--to sex law.
To help solve this problem, the editorial suggested: "More than ever, the necessity of beefing up the education campaign on HIV/AIDS and the perils of unprotected sex is paramount." As regards "protected sex," the editorial echoed the suggestion of the WHO: "the common sense of using condoms as protection during sex."
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