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in favour of or supporting feminism
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This meant he had learned among other things, he said, about the role of women in history from a "profeminist perspective."
In 2018 book Blowing The Bloody Doors Off, he wrote: "I was very profeminist, you know.
Fraternal bonding in the locker room: A profeminist analysis of talk about competition and women.
Neither profeminist or antifeminist, the play does not take sides, but shows all the perspectives of the characters in it.
Profeminist Black Men: Engaging women liberationists, undermining patriarchy.
The more recent focus of gender research based on profeminist analysis of masculinities (Connell, 1987, 2005; Haywood & Mac an Ghaill, 2003; Petersen, 2003; Seidler, 2007) has not been widely carried out in nursing.
Men & sexual politics: towards a profeminist practice.
Pamela Nadell offers perhaps the staunchest profeminist brief for Yentl.
Fleming insists that despite his contention with Christine, Hoccleve remains true to his source's profeminist campaign.
It is curious that for Sabas Aloma the question of garzonismo can be addressed by the same anticapitalist, profeminist education that she prescribes for many of society's other ills.
This study unravels that profeminism does not overlap with the aim of feminism to eliminate the gender inequalities in society; that profeminism leads to the emergence of new patriarchal gender roles; modernization rhetoric has been used in profeminist approaches and finally the influence of profeminism is evident in the works of the writers of that period.