
Related to profascist: fascism


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) in favour of or supporting Fascism
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There were strong profascist forces in the United States including Henry Ford, Alfred P.
The bill failed to bring closure to Barro Basto's case, the community and some of his descendants argued, because it offered none of the financial compensation given to nonJewish officers who had been reinstated following persecution by the profascist dictatorship of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar.
Despite the fact that he considered himself a friend of Hitler and Mussolini and despite the central role he played in unleashing a vengeful repression against his republican enemies following a devastating civil war [1936-1939], Francisco Franco managed to outlive his reputation as a soulless, profascist dictator.
"It was anticommunist more than profascist but it's true that it was considered as a fascist youth organisation at the time."
With his wide circle of business acquaintances in the city, some of whom remained profascist and, like Bowles, pro-Japanese, De Groot was ideally situated to pick up salient gossip.
Melania Terrazas's contribution is an opinionated and passionate justification of Wyndham Lewis's portrayal of the working class in The Vulgar Streak, embodied in the profascist Vincent.
Both events occurred because Stevens chose duty over personal feelings and responsibilities, the two key occasions coinciding with two diplomatic conferences held at the Hall, one in 1923 and another in 1936, when Darlington had tried to get Britain's political elites to pursue pro-Germany and then profascist policies.
The Consul, it seems, has been mistaken for his brother Hugh; as a result, he is being held accountable, by the profascist police in the cafe, for his brother's political engagements--and especially for those engagements that have tied his brother, even if only tenuously, to the loyalist cause in Spain.
Individuals and groups deemed to be profascist were harassed through denial of mailing privileges, deportation, and prosecution.
analysts, an anti-Soviet coup d'etat had in fact occurred, "organized by a circle of reactionary monopolists in league with profascist groups of the U.S.