
Related to profamily: mom, CPF


also pro·fam·i·ly (prō-făm′ə-lē, -făm′lē)
Favoring or supporting traditional family life and structure, usually from a perspective of social conservatism.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(prəʊˈfæmɪlɪ; prəʊˈfæmlɪ)
US in favour of the family
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or pro-fam•i•ly

(proʊˈfæm ə li, -ˈfæm li)

favoring or supporting laws against abortion; antiabortion.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
He also supervised the creation of the CA CF joint venture with Bankia in Spain and the acquisition of Profamily in Italy, and co-piloted the CA CF 2020 strategic plan.
Civic involvement: Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., leader; SOS Children's Villages, board member; Chicago Legal Responders Network, founding member; Lawyers for Good Government, member; Arab/Muslim/Jewish Roundtable, host; Deputy Voter Registrar, volunteer; Domestic Abuse Counseling (Shalva), board member; Chicago Community Trust Young Leadership Group, member; McCall Family Foundation Here and Now Fund, board member; Profamily Social Service Connections, founder and director; Grand Boulevard Federation, member; Chicago Gateway Green-Green Tie Ball (a pro-environment organization), board member; Shira Piven's production of Born Guilty, synagogue and community outreach director; Theater Building, board member
Bataan Bishop Ruperto Santos noted that the survey, showed that more Filipinos are profamily and only support marriage between a man and a woman.
Together We Can: A Guide for Crafting a Profamily System of Education and Human Services.
Under the leadership of the charismatic right-wing campaigner Phyllis Schlafly (whom the Republican party had excluded from all activities that didn't involve women), a growing so-called profamily, prolife, traditional values coalition came together to make its presence known in Houston.
One more thing worth noting: While we've focused here on discussing these 12TB drives, there are significant differences between Seagate's BarraCuda and its BarraCuda Profamily. First, the BarraCuda family uses 5400 RPM drives, or at least it seems to-Seagate practically does backflips to avoid stating that in its own product documentation and omits it from its PDFs.
He described the 1987 Constitution as the best in the world because it is 'pro-God, procountry, propeople, propoor, prolife, profamily, promarriage, and proenvironment.'
(217) But Reagan's EITC proposal survived and grew, (218) and when he signed into law the Tax Reform Act of 1986, (219) he touted the bill as "the best antipoverty bill [and] the best profamily measure ...
(arguing that there are two different conceptual frameworks in the right to life movement: a "pro-life" contingent, and a "profamily contingent).
At present, only a few have the structure and resources necessary to resort to litigation as a strategy to oppose sexual and reproductive rights, the most important of whom have been Portal de Belen (Cordoba), Fundacion 25 de marzo (25th of March Foundation, Cordoba), Mujeres por la Vida (Women for Life, Cordoba), Movimiento Familia y Vida (Family and Fife Movement, Tucuman), Vitam (Mendoza), ProFamilia (ProFamily, Buenos Aires) and Corporacion de Abogados Catolicos (Buenos Aires).
The passage of IIRIRA (42) in 1996 brought about major changes in the United States' previously profamily immigration policy, although the current preferences system did not change.