pole dancing

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pole dancing

(Dancing) a form of entertainment in which a scantily dressed woman dances erotically, turning on and posing against a vertically fixed pole on a stage
pole dancer n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In all 22 performers will take to the stage at the university's Quayside centre on Friday, March 18, and many of them are students who are members of the university's Pole Dancing Academy.
They should be out playing not pole dancing. WENDY FRANKIE
The highly athletic members of the university's Pole Dancing Society - which includes men and women - are ensuring that there is someone on a pole at the campus piazza non-stop for 24 hours, starting at 9am on Friday.
Whatever you thought you knew about pole dancing, think again.
Cricket wag Lisa Darcy is moving her pole dancing school because the popular classes have outgrown their old studio.
Street pole dancing is the latest fitness craze set to take Wales by storm.
Yet Yarm Road Methodist Church is Sarah Cockerill's chosen base for her popular pole dancing classes.
Pole dancing may share similarities with gymnastics, but there is a huge difference between the two.
Shakira's new music video 'Rabiosa' has hit the internet and it's only a matter of days before this pole dancing singer's video goes viral.
A FACT-FINDING mission to a pole dancing club by a group of councillors has been slammed for wasting taxpayers' money.
When Lisa Riley gets into her pole dancing gear as Bev in The Naked Truth, it's a role that touches her heart.
The scenes were set in a pole dancing class at a local village hall and followed the lives of six women who, over a six-month period, each faced a personal dilemma.