points system

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points system

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Brit a system used to assess applicants' eligibility for local authority housing, based on (points awarded for) such factors as the length of time the applicant has lived in the area, how many children are in the family, etc
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The announcement was made at a Press conference on Sunday, during which the Dubai Police and Al Kindi Automobile also signed an agreement sponsoring the white points system.
Major General Mohammad Saif Al Zafin, Director of Dubai Police Traffic Department said the white points system has been implemented by Dubai Police to encourage motorists to follow traffic rules and become safer drivers.
The drivers are angry at a Kirklees Council plan to bring in a penalty points system - which could force them off the roads.
It runs as a counter to the black points system which punishes bad drivers.
ACTION: spokesman HUNDREDS of Huddersfield taxi drivers have voted to strike over a new penalty points system.
In a video released by Dubai Police on Wednesday, Maj-Gen Mohammed Saif Al Zafin, Assistant to the Dubai Police Chief for Operation Affairs, said that Al Zubaidy won the car through the police force's white points system.
The winner's father said the White Points system is a unique initiative that encourages motorists to abide by traffic laws.
It calls for replacing the longstanding family-based immigration rules with a points system favoring highly-skilled, financially self-sufficient immigrants who learn English and pass a civics exam.
Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies (EIBFS), a regional leader in banking and finance education and training, on Thursday hosted a workshop to review progress achieved since the introduction of the target points system across UAE banks.
The developer has been a major sponsor of the White Points System for the past four years.
MANAMA: The rate of accidents on Bahrain's main roads has dropped by 75 per cent since a driving points system was implemented with cumulative demirts for traffic offences.