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The illegal practice of deliberately limiting the number of points scored by one's team in an athletic contest, as in return for a payment from gamblers to ensure winnings.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Scorpions management lowered the boom on more than a dozen of its players after a point-shaving scheme involving them and backed by online evidence of transactions was uncovered.
The fear of college athletes cheating is rooted in a history of scandals dating to the 1950s, including point-shaving cases in the 1980s and early 1990s.
My sources say that game-fixing and point-shaving are so rampant in this tournament that the hotel-casino actually suspended the inclusion of a Central Luzon basketball team in its one-hour betting operations.
The author coordinated the Arizona State University men's basketball point-shaving scandal, and later was indicted and sent to Federal prison.
Yet he soon persuaded the member schools to punish the University of Kentucky's basketball team, which had been implicated in a point-shaving scandal, by boycotting it for a season.
Andy is already infamous around town for his crimes as a point-shaving Ohio State football star and tentatively embarking on a new relationship with college professor Anne.
Businessman pleads guilty in Toledo point-shaving scandal.
While incredibly successful (.827 winning percentage), Bee's collegiate coaching career ended with Long Island University's deep involvement in the 1951 point-shaving scandal and, when scholars write about Bee, invariably they do so in the context of the gambling scandal.
This portion of the bylaw was adopted to address incidences such a point-shaving. Bylaw 10.3.1 and 10.02.1 and other provisions regulating gambling conduct also apply to membership conference staff, coaches and, of course, student-athletes.
Furthermore, legal casinos may unwittingly play an essential role in the ability of corrupt gamblers to fix sports contests via point-shaving.
Even the financially struggling NHL has been getting in on the act of mocking NBA refs lately, as the Dallas Stars took out a billboard referencing the point-shaving scandal, which states, "The only thing our refs shave is the ice." Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Mavericks (and the man who was famously fined $250,000 as his team was losing the 2006 Finals for yelling at Stern, "Your league is rigged") predictably took the ribbing in stride.
During one of these forays, they overhear a conversation involving a star basketball player and a point-shaving scheme.