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I'M A Celebrity star John Barrowman has landed a plum job presenting This Morning at Easter.
Corridors has learnt the official had recently come tops in an interview and was looking forward to a huge promotion and a plum job as Managing Director but was shocked when the position was filled by a different candidate.
"It does rather look like he picked himself a plum job" Ex-defence minister Anna Soubry on the appointment of Gavin Williamson, the so-called "baby-faced assassin", as the new Defence Secretary.
SCHOOLGIRL Analeise Cooper has a plum job in her holidays.
A UNIVERSITY of Huddersfield researcher has landed a plum job on the other side of the world.
YOUNG Paris Brown's foul-mouthed boasting on Twitter when she was 14 has cost her the plum job of Kent Police's Youth Crime Commissioner.
How can it be right that those with influence can have three, four or more highly paid jobs, a final salary pension or massive pay out and still qualify for a plum job in the public sector while other equally qualified individuals are destined to a life on the dole?
And with apathy like that, there's a disturbing chance the BNP's bid for the West Mids plum job may turn out to be more than simple mischief-making.
I concur, as many will, with his complaint about "supportive" bias in favour of Vera Baird in her quest to get the pounds 80,000-plus plum job as police commissioner.
They helped him write a CV which landed him the plum job at Glenapp.
Meanwhile, the girls, including Pollyanna (pictured), have the week's plum job as they test the very latest in relaxation gadgets at a spa retreat, leaving Jon to head off to the annual Maker Faire in Newcastle to check out some weird and wonderful inventions.
Chris has done a great job as drivetime host, showing after his problems a few years ago that he's grown up and is now a great broadcaster full of interesting ideas, humour and fun, and it's good to see that he's being rewarded with this plum job.