Plug valve

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Related to Plug valve: needle valve
(Mech.) a tapering valve, which turns in a case like the plug of a faucet.

See also: Plug

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
L&T Valves' approved product portfolio include double block and bleed plug valve
Product is discharged through two plug valve assemblies with tungsten carbide-faced stainless steel bar grids.
The acquired business serves the desalination market and makes the MTS Plug Valve, a high-pressure valve for control and on/off applications that is used in seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) applications/desalination facilities.
According to the Flowserve website, the Flowserve Nordstrom Dynamic Balance valve is the premier Nordstrom plug valve for crude oil pipelines and other applications which incorporates proven features and user benefits from over 60 years of experience.
A pneumatically operated flush type plug valve was also supplied to eliminate dead spaces within the mix zone.
Options include the MonsterTrack tracking system, which includes a card reader, flow metro, plug valve, receipt printer, and data storage.
Another type of plug valve is the rising plug valve.