permanent way

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permanent way

(Railways) chiefly Brit the track of a railway, including the ballast, sleepers, rails, etc
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The water was now high in the streams, squirting through the weirs, and tinkling under culverts; the smallest gullies were all full; there was no taking short cuts anywhere, and foot-passengers were compelled to follow the permanent ways. From the whole extent of the invisible vale came a multitudinous intonation; it forced upon their fancy that a great city lay below them, and that the murmur was the vociferation of its populace.
This study elucidates how the effects permeated the social infrastructure and changed it in permanent ways.
In recent decades, new immigrants and refugees have changed the face of Saint Paul in positive and permanent ways. Now students in the Saint Paul Public Schools speak nearly one hundred languages at home.
On September 15 that period will officially end m and the prescription drug community will need to find other, more permanent ways of continuing to build top-line performance.
Many organizations have felt the economic recession in hard, permanent ways. Many people are suffering and the sector is ill-equipped to help.
It is also a common one, occurring frequently through every person's life, and one that marks us in permanent ways, changes us, and ultimately is a defining part of who we are and how we live.
During his 26 years as a top management consultant, Copacino has led and mentored hundreds of supply chain managers in practical and permanent ways. Jonathan Colehower is one of them.
``There are less permanent ways of giving each other some space, and, once the holidays a reover and people are back at work, the Christmas crisis often doesn't seem so bad.
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