permanent resident

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permanent resident

Canadian an immigrant who has been given official residential status, often prior to being granted citizenship
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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If any one had to be the death of the Steward I didn't see why it shouldn't be Captain Giles himself, a man of age and standing, and a permanent resident. Whereas, I in com- parison, felt myself a mere bird of passage in that port.
After a while the group around us gradually dispersed, and we were left about midnight (as we conjectured) with those who appeared to be permanent residents of the house.
She added that in such a case, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration on request of the permanent resident permit holders will issue such a visa upon payment of the prescribed fees.
He reportedly gained Saudi citizenship after India stripped him of his passport but continues to reside in Malaysia that made him a permanent resident in 2015.
Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh) [India], Feb 25 (ANI): In the backdrop of violence over the permanent resident certificate (PRC) issue, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu said that the government will never take up the matter of PRC even in the future.
The woman, who married a Korean and has four children, has been living here as a permanent resident with an F-5 visa.
The move by Governor Satyapal Malik to change and ease procedures for issuing Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC), a certificate issued to domicile citizens of J and K, has evoked widespread criticism from all local political parties.
I was recently approached by a Canadian permanent resident to request the removal of an enforcement flag with the CBSA who had concerns about whether she met the residency obligation of living in Canada for two years in the past five years to maintain her permanent resident status.
The Chinese man, his wife, son and daughter, were apparently visiting their friend, said to be a permanent resident of Limassol.
The ambassador said the Royal Malaysia Police initially informed the embassy that 'none of the five had Philippine passports or identity documents in their possession, although three are confirmed to be permanent residents in Malaysia.'
citizen or Permanent Resident family or as refugees, for example) before naturalizing ...
Herself a "permanent resident" of the state, she is married to Sanjeev Sharma who does not have ' permanent resident' status as his mother, a ' permanent resident', had married a nonpermanent resident from Himachal Pradesh.

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