permanent set

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permanent set

(General Engineering) engineering the change in shape of a material that results when the load to which it is subjected causes the elastic limit to be exceeded and is then removed
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Robbie will soon try out prosthetic legs at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital, and a permanent set of legs, when he stops growing, could cost more than pounds 20,000.
The studio is left with another permanent set to offer.
A more quantitative measure of this is obtained by measuring the permanent set in a 200% cyclic elongation hysterisis cycle, measured after a test conducted at 25.4 cm/min.
A permanent set of legs, when Robbie stops growing, could cost more than pounds 20,000.
Remote access technologies are ideal for businesses with a permanent set of mobile or home workers, or for those who work in collaboration with business partners on projects.
The heat rise and permanent set properties were measured as butyl compounds often have a high heat rise and poor set properties.
In TV land, however, becoming part of a show's permanent set is still the key way to be seen.
Smaller than the Courtyard, the Theatre Royal admirably takes King Lear's magnificent and permanent set: a sweeping palatial staircase whose clever design works as both interior and exterior.
She arrived at the programme makers' permanent set at the Harewood House estate near Leeds to witness the village post office going up in flames.
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