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 (pĕ-kä′wē, -vē, -kā′vī′)
n. pl. pec·ca·vis
A confession of sin.

[Latin peccāvī, I have sinned, first person sing. perfect tense of peccāre, to sin; see peccant.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -vis
(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a confession of guilt
[C16: from Latin, literally: I have sinned, from peccāre]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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You will readily understand that we made them cry peccavi all the same.
THE much-quoted, one-word 'Peccavi' ('I have sinned' in Latin) message that Charles Napier is supposed to have sent to London, after capturing Sindh in 1843, and which appeared in Punch magazine the following year, has been attributed to the genius of a British humorist.
(14.) Miserere mei Deus (SSAATB, 4vla bc), Peccavi super numerum (SSAATB, 3vla, vlne, bc, ripieno: 3vla).
Accounts of Sir Charles Napier, infamous for uttering the latin 'peccavi' on capturing the province are awe inspiring even for the most ardent of post-colonial scholar.""Then there are the more culturally driven discussions such as the observations of Baloch poetry on the Sindh border done by Lambrick.
His Gloria had a lightness of flow, followed by his Pater peccavi in caelum, which with its amazing modulatory sidesteps seemed a premonition of Ligeti, nearly half a millennium later.
(13.) The connection between fault and falling here recalls that "peccavi" originally denoted stumbling and is related to "pedem," as also is "pessimus," which links to Edgar's nearby claim that "The worst is not/ So long as we can say 'This is the worst.' " Shakespeare may not have known this.
down the hills of sand and hears the old phrase "Peccavi. I have
And it was her father who was fond of the ultimate Napier story: that when he conquered Sindh, he fired off a secret message to his superiors, 'Peccavi,' - Latin for 'I have sinned.'
600), i.e., the message peccavi ("I have sinned/Sind") attributed to Charles James Napier, also appears to be given more attention than it deserves in a book on Hinduism.
His first editorial in De Standaard after his convalescence was a lengthy peccavi. Kuyper explained that while on his sickbed he had come to see that his writings during the election fever had been too bitter in tone, "especially against those brothers who share our religious starting point." His spirit had been too militant and not conciliatory enough.