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 (pĕk′ən-pô′), David Samuel Known as "Sam." 1925-1984.
American film director best known for his morally complex Westerns, including Ride the High Country (1962) and The Wild Bunch (1969).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Biography) Sam(uel David). 1926–84, US film director, esp of Westerns, such as The Wild Bunch (1969). Among his other films are Straw Dogs (1971), Bring me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974), and Cross of Iron (1977)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This week's inspirational guest Sandy Peckinpah, who lost her son to bacterial meningitis, will share how she was able to recover from this loss and become a writer.
The original film directed by action and macho-fueled filmmaker Sam Peckinpah was released in 1969 and starred William Holden and Ernest Borgnine.
In Director Sam Peckinpah's classic western "The Wild Bunch" (1969), the principal character, "Pike Bishop," played by William Holden, carries what appears to be a Colt Model 1911 .45 ACP.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Mel Gibson will co-write and direct a remake of Sam Peckinpah's classic 1969 Western "The Wild Bunch."
It was the only film festival in socialist countries that attracted big Hollywood stars such as Jack Nicholson, Kirk Douglas, Robert De Niro, Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda and famous directors like MiloEi Forman, Francis Ford Coppola, Roman Polanski, Sam Peckinpah, Pier Paolo Pasolini etc.
An unfortunate incident with an unhatched egg lands Red in court where Judge Peckinpah (Keegan-Michael Key) sentences him to a course in anger management led by perky clucker Matilda (Maya Rudolph).
An unfortunate incident with an unhatched egg lands Red in court Judge Peckinpah (Keegan-Michael Key) sentences him to a course in management led by perky clucker Matilda (Maya Rudolph).
An unfortunate incident with unhatched egg lands Red in court where Judge Peckinpah (Keegan-Michael Key) sentences him to course in anger management led by perky clucker Matilda (Maya Rudolph).
An unfortunate incident an unhatched egg lands Red in court where Judge Peckinpah (Keegan-Michael Key) sentences him a course in anger management led by perky Matilda (Maya Rudolph).
TUESDAY the wild bunch itv4, 11.25pm Sam Peckinpah's classic Western tells the tale of a group of ageing outlaws who look to pull off one last big score as the traditional American West disappears.
In 1972, the same year as her Dirty Harry review, Kael praised Sam Peckinpah's Straw Dogs (1971) as "the first American film that is a fascist work of art" (426).
In 1957, when (Sam) Peckinpah wrote his screen adaptation of "The Authentic Death of Hendry Jones," he was still married to his first wife, Marie Selland, and they lived in Malibu when it was a small, funky, unpretentious beach community with nice housing that was actually affordable.