pecan tree

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Related to pecan tree: walnut tree
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.pecan tree - tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nutspecan tree - tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts
pecan - smooth brown oval nut of south central United States
Carya, genus Carya - genus of large deciduous nut-bearing trees; United States and China
pecan - wood of a pecan tree
nut tree - tree bearing edible nuts
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Several years ago, I wrote: "Like the pecan tree in his yard, Dustin's roots on Jeju Island run deep and he will long be remembered not just for the success of the maze but for his successful role as a member of his community."
Noble pecan specialists will discuss what to consider before planting an orchard as well as how to manage pecan tree production and market pecans.
The pecan tree is a large plant, with about 20 to 30 meters high, reaching up to 40 meters under adequate conditions, with 12 to 20 meters crown diameter and 2 meters trunk circumference.
And for dessert, its sweet potato or pecan pie made from fresh pecans from the backyard pecan tree.
The governor is after local laws that limit property owners' right to cut down big, old "heritage" trees - a rule that might be more popular with Texans trying to keep developers from mowing down a forest to build apartments but that chafes homeowners who - like the governor himself - want to take out a pecan tree that happens to be in the perfect spot for a swimming pool.
First published in 1994 as The Pecan Tree, this book provides an introduction to the natural history and human uses of the pecan.
Describing everything form the plant itself, how the animal and plant kingdoms make use of the tree, and how the pecan tree came to be so widely grown.
The first project was to remove a 65-foot pecan tree from the backyard.
Pecan, pecan hickory, Southern pecan, pecan nut, pecan tree, faux hickory, sweet pecan, water hickory, bitter pecan, low ground hickory, wild pecan, swamp hickory, wild pecan, pignut hickory, water bitternut
Wal-Mart also made a special effort to save a large pecan tree on the site, changing the orientation of the store and incorporating the tree into the landscaping.
A sloth, hanging upside down, lazily watched me from a nearby pecan tree. There on the veranda was Lila, already busily dusting the mildewed lampshades.
I replaced the plastic "Owl" grips with larger ones I nostalgically hand carved in pecan hardwood from my pecan tree. I like it even better now.