

vb, -breeds, -breeding or -bred
(Biology) to breed (animals or plants) excessively or too selectively
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Education can't work to ameliorate a population crisis, he insists, because appeals to 'conscience' will inevitably fail with some people and they will, necessarily, be the ones who have the most children, and these children (he further assumes) will be equally inclined to 'overbreed' with the ultimate effect of--he seriously proposes this--'the elimination of conscience from the [human] race' (1246).
there are unscrupulous breeders who will overbreed for a quick buck.
Religion has never stopped war in the past and ideologies like Roman Catholicism and Islam which cajole and coerce their followers to overbreed, are arguably the most potent source of conflict.
Whereas the lower classes overbreed, the upper classes regulate their numbers, fearing that excessive reproduction will damage their station.
Perhaps the Government and the farmers can learn from it - how to feed animals properly and don't overbreed for the sake of money.
The drug approval system in the US, especially when it embraces cancer, overbreeds lab and animal work and undergenerates tests of natural substances in humans.