

(Textiles) a blanket that is placed on a bed on top of the other bedding
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The overblanket may be placed directly upon the infant's face or draped from the stroller frame, car seat frame, or handle.
Can the stroller or portable car seat overblanket stifle air flow in the infant's microenvironment, inhibit facial cooling, and cause some level of decreased arousal?
The authors hypothesized that parents use the overblanket as a protective barrier to minimize their child's exposure to environmental factors such as sunlight, weather, and air pollution.
The greater tendency to overblanket younger infants may be because (1) parents believe younger infants need more protection from environmental risks or require more sleep; (2) parents are reluctant to put sunscreen on younger infants and use blankets for facial sun protection; or (3) older infants are larger and ambulatory and therefore are less often transported in strollers, portable car seats, or slings.
LAST WEEK my husband and I both in our late eighties decided to visit Elland and kill two birds with one stone - having a service for an electric duvet overblanket and having two squares of carpet off-cuts made into mats.
A WOMAN in her 90s has died in bed after an electric overblanket caught fire at her home.
This is a new type of cover, and we are told by the suppliers, that if the playing surface is covered prior to frost and snows, it acts like a domestic overblanket, and eradicates the elements from getting to the pitch.
Q I'M interested in a heated overblanket, but they seem to have disappeared off the market.
The Ready For Bed Overblanket is pounds 44.50 for a single.
We discussed the heated overblanket that I purchased specially for her visit, that doesn't work.
His Anglo-Indian rickshaw has hydraulic brakes and there's a waterproof overblanket and hot-water bottle on board.
This was a rich but mild dish of small, juicilycooked pieces of spicy chicken melded with coconut, fresh cream, cashew nets and almonds topped with a generous overblanket of melted cheese.