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Related to overblow: overblown


tr.v. o·ver·blew (-blo͞o′), o·ver·blown (-blōn′), o·ver·blow·ing, o·ver·blows
1. To cover by being blown by the wind: graves that were overblown by sand.
2. To blow (a wind instrument) so as to produce an overtone instead of a fundamental tone.
3. To exaggerate or overreact to.

[Sense 3, back-formation from overblown.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, -blows, -blowing, -blew or -blown
1. (Classical Music) music to blow into (a wind instrument) with greater force than normal in order to obtain a harmonic or overtone instead of the fundamental tone
2. (Classical Music) to blow (a wind instrument) or (of a wind instrument) to be blown too hard
3. to blow over, away, or across
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: overblown
Gerund: overblowing

I overblow
you overblow
he/she/it overblows
we overblow
you overblow
they overblow
I overblew
you overblew
he/she/it overblew
we overblew
you overblew
they overblew
Present Continuous
I am overblowing
you are overblowing
he/she/it is overblowing
we are overblowing
you are overblowing
they are overblowing
Present Perfect
I have overblown
you have overblown
he/she/it has overblown
we have overblown
you have overblown
they have overblown
Past Continuous
I was overblowing
you were overblowing
he/she/it was overblowing
we were overblowing
you were overblowing
they were overblowing
Past Perfect
I had overblown
you had overblown
he/she/it had overblown
we had overblown
you had overblown
they had overblown
I will overblow
you will overblow
he/she/it will overblow
we will overblow
you will overblow
they will overblow
Future Perfect
I will have overblown
you will have overblown
he/she/it will have overblown
we will have overblown
you will have overblown
they will have overblown
Future Continuous
I will be overblowing
you will be overblowing
he/she/it will be overblowing
we will be overblowing
you will be overblowing
they will be overblowing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been overblowing
you have been overblowing
he/she/it has been overblowing
we have been overblowing
you have been overblowing
they have been overblowing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been overblowing
you will have been overblowing
he/she/it will have been overblowing
we will have been overblowing
you will have been overblowing
they will have been overblowing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been overblowing
you had been overblowing
he/she/it had been overblowing
we had been overblowing
you had been overblowing
they had been overblowing
I would overblow
you would overblow
he/she/it would overblow
we would overblow
you would overblow
they would overblow
Past Conditional
I would have overblown
you would have overblown
he/she/it would have overblown
we would have overblown
you would have overblown
they would have overblown
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in classic literature ?
Finding it was likely to overblow, we took in our sprit-sail, and stood by to hand the fore-sail; but making foul weather, we looked the guns were all fast, and handed the mizen.