
Also found in: Medical.
Related to orofacial: orofacial pain, Orofacial dyskinesia


a. orofacial, rel. a la boca y a la cara.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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Gerrits, a PhD candidate, and her colleagues assessed pain at baseline according to the specific location (joints, back, neck, abdomen, chest, head, and orofacial area), the number of locations (0-7), and which location had the greatest amount of pain.
In some cases, these increased risks have been linked to specific medications (for example, oral corticosteroids and orofacial clefts).
The first, an analysis conducted with data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study focused specifically on orofacial clefts as the outcome and bronchodilators as the exposure.
The product was developed for the treatment of recurrent orofacial herpes in immunocompetent patients.The approval procedure is expected to take between 12 and 15 months.
Prevalence of orofacial pain and its impact on the oral health-related quality of life of textile industries workers of Laguna, SC, Brazil
Richard Boncan excitedly told me of the upcoming Joint Scientific Meeting of the Asian Academy of Orofacial Pain and TMD (19th) and the Orofacial Pain Association of the Philippines (9th).
This includes highly specialized treatment modalities like Orthodontics/Facial Orthopedics, treatment for Orofacial surgery, facial injuries, oral cancer, fixed and removable prosthesis of various kinds, highly specialized regenerative procedures of Periodontal therapy/Dental Implant placements and advance dental care for child health, endodontics and restorative dentistry.
A: Cold sores are a cluster of tiny fluid-filled blisters that appear on or around the lips, mouth, nose and chin, the area clinically known as the orofacial region.
Cleft lip and palate affect the stomatognathic system and, consequently, the performance of orofacial functions.
The involvement of orofacial region is rare in the literature.