

(Art Terms) relating to an ornithomorph
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References in periodicals archive ?
At the bottom, wooden objects such as caps found in a Formative cemetery in Pisagua by Professor Alfredo Loayza in 1960 (private collection): (b) Camelid head, (c) Ornithomorphic head figure with attached feather remains, (d) Fractured camelid head (?), (e) Similar objects without design.
This Siren, an ornithomorphic creature such as Homer's Sirens, sings with her birdlike twitter not of the Trojan War but, in proper elegiac terms, of love in a Homeric flowery meadow (Regents Park), yet in very watery, Pindaric circumstances:(21) "The old bubbling, burbling ['swee to'] song" ("Love's Old Sweet Song") with "the earthly vacuity of what is long dead" (Segal 101) "streamed away in rivulets over the pavement" (MD 122-24).
Then came the ornithomorphic motifs of the Andean world, which eventually evolved into a symbolic synthesis.